Wednesday, October 9, 2013


1. Who among the following pairs of thinkers are regarded as the founders of Scientific Socialism?
a) Charles Fourier and Saint Simon
b) Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb
c) Marx and Engels
d) R.H. Tawney and William Ebenstein

2. What is the cornerstone of Marxism?
a) Attack on bourgeois way of life
b) Economic determinism
c) Materialist conception of history
d) A distinctive philosophy of the state

3. Who among the following propagated the idea of Cultural Revolution under Socialism?
a) Karl Marx
b) Mao-Tse-Tung
b) V.I. Lenin
d) J. Stalin

4. Which of the following does not match?
a) Marx            : Philosophy of Poverty
b) Engels          : Anti-Duhring
c) Lenin            : State and Revolution
d) Stalin            : Foundations of Leninism

5. Which of the following authors and their books is not correctly matched?
a) Hitler            : Mein Kamph
b) J.S. Mill        : Utilitarianism
c) Laski              : A Grammar of Politics
d) Lenin            : Communist Manifesto

6. Which of the following statements is attributed to 'Utopian Socialism"?
a) Class struggle is inevitable
b) The "Laissez-faire" is the best economic policy
c) Capitalist system needs to be over-thrown by revolution
d) Society needs to be organized in the interest of all

7. Who among the following were members of the Fabian Society established in 1883?
1. Bertrand Russell
2. George Bernard Shaw
3. Herold Laski
4. H.G. Wells
a) 1, 2 and 4
b) 1 and 2
c) 1 and 3
d) 2 and 4

8. Bernard Shaw, who was himself a leading light of this variety of socialism, said about them that they "agreed to give up the delightful ease of revolutionary heroics and to take to the hard work of practical reform on ordinary Parliamentary lines."
What was that variety of socialism?
a) Utopian socialism
b) Evolutionary socialism
c) Guild socialism
d) Fabian socialism

9. Fabian economic theory is based on
a) Richardian theory of rent
b) Labour theory of value
c) Laissez-faire theory
d) Theory of mixed economy

10. Socialism is directed towards
a) Social-ethical end
b) ethical-religious end
c) religious-spiritual end
d) spiritual-psychological end

11. Which of the following is true of capitalism?
a) Inacquisitiveness:
b) Cooperativeness
c) Sensitiveness
d) Acquisitiveness

12. The Fabians consist of
a) Marxists
b) Syndicalists
c) Anarchists
d) Socialists

13. The Fabian society was named after the name of Fabius Cunctator who was a
a) Greek
b) Roman
c) Spanish
d) Prussian

14. The Fabian Society was founded in
a) 1883
b) 1884
c) 1888
d) 1889

15. The Fabians, for their socialism, looked to
a) Mill
b) Marx
c) Engels
d) Plato

16. The Fabian socialism differs from the Marxian socialism in their emphasis on
a) gradualism, class cooperation, continuity
b) gradualism, class struggle, revolution
c) continuity, revolution and class struggle
d) class cooperation, evolution and revolution

17. According to M.K. Gandhi, the five eternal guides of human conduct are
a) Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Aparigraha and Brahmacharya
b) Ahimsa, Satya, Vinaya, Daya and Tapas
c) Ahimsa, Karuna, Shila, Bhakti and Karma
d) Satya, Dharma, Artha, Kama and Tapas

18. For Gandhi, Swaraj means
a) self-rule
b) rule of law
c) rule by morally good persons.
d) pursuit of good of all

19. Which of the following does not match?
a) Ruskin          : The kingdom of god is within you
b) Thoreau         : Civil Disobedience
c) Dhawan         : The Political Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi
d) Bose             : Studies in Gandhism

20. Who had said that men are from mars and women, from Venus?
a) John Locke
b) John Gray
c) John Stuart Mill
d) John Mosses

21. Who said that man is bourgeoise, and woman a proletariat?
a) Lenin
b) Marx
c) Engels
d) Stalin

22. Fascism arose
a) during the World War I
b) after the World War I
c) during the World War II
d) after the World War II

23. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
a) Nazim                   : Italy
b) Fascism                : Germany
c) Fabianism             : Britain
d) Guild Socialism     : France

24. Fascism as fasces implies
1. a bundle of sticks
2. sticks bound to an axe
3. power, disciple, authority
4. rationality
a) 1, 3, 4               b) 1, 2, 4
c) 1, 2, 3                d) 2, 3, 4

25. The word 'Duce' relates to
a) Hitler
b) Mussolini
c) Stalin
d) Salazar

26. The word 'Further' refers to
a) Stalin
b) Mussolini
c) Hitler
d) Salazar

27. Who had said that "opinion rules everything"?
a) Bismarck
b) Napoleon
c) Mussolini
d) Hitler

28. "People's voice is odd, it cannot be voice of God". Who had said it?
a) Wordsworth
b) Shakespeare
c) Pope (Alexander)
d) Tenyson

29. In India party less democracy was first advocated by
a) Jayaprakash Narayan
b) M.N. Roy
c) vinoba Bhave
d) Mahatma Gandhi

30. Which of the following has a single party system?
a) Germany
b) France
c) New Zealand
d) Eritrea

31. The US method of amending the constitution is
a) simple
b) absolute
c) simple as well as absolute
d) partly simple and partly absolute

32. Which of the following countries once had tricameralism?
a) France
b) India
c) South Africa
d) Spain

33. Match List I with List II and select the correct code
List I                           List II
A. Hterarchy          1. Personal, self rule
B. Idiocracy           2. Government by the foreign ruler
C. Monocracy        3. Government by thieves
D. Kleptocracy       4. Government by one individual
               A             B             C             D
a)            2              3              1              4
b)            2              4              1              3
c)            2              1              4              3
d)            1              2              4              3

34. The first systematic classification of government was given by
a) Aristotle
b) Plato
c) Socrates
d) Montesquieu

35. The object of the vote of no-confidence motion is
a) to adjourn the legislature
b) to seek redressal of complaints
c) to demonstrate displeasure and distrust in the government
d) to ask the ministers to give explanation of the work not done

36. Zero hour begins
a) at the beginning of the day
b) at mid-day
c) at the end of the day
d) at the time when the Prime Minister suggests

37. The cabinet form of government means
a) a system of government which is marked by the existence of a group which collectively decides on the policies of the government and which is also collectively responsible to the Parliament
b) a form of government in which the Cabinet is supreme and is not accountable to any other organ of the State
c) a form of government in which all the members of the Cabinet are popularly elected on the basis of universal adult franchise
d) a form of government in which it is the President, and no the Prime Minister, who presides over the Cabinet meetings for the reason that he is directly elected by the people

38. Which of the following combination of countries do not have presidential form of government?
a) USA, Brazil, Chile
b) Brazil, Chile, Argentina
c) Argentina, Mexico, Great Britain
d) Mexico, USA, Chile

39. Federation implies
b) separation of powers
c) division of powers
d) devolution of powers

40. In a federal system
a) the Union is dissolvable
b) the states can secede the Union
c) the Union indestructible
d) the Union and states are indestructible

41. The best form of federalism suited for countries like India is
a) centralized federalism
b) bargaining federalism
c) cooperative federalism
d) conflicting federalism

42. "Bureaucracy thrives under the cloak of ministerial responsibility." This is true about
a) U.S.A.
b) France
c) Germany
d) England

43. Who had described the British Civil Service as the envy of the world?
a) Strong
b) Bryce
c) Finer
d) Hewart

44. To which of the following form of government bureaucracy owes its origin?
a) Parliamentary
b) Presidential
c) Dictatorship
d) Federalism

45. Most of the Third World states are
a) ethnically and culturally divided
b) linguistically homogeneous
c) rich in natural resources
d) economically self-reliant

46. In which year was the Human Rights Protection Law passed in India?
a) 1986
b) 1987
c) 1993
d) 1995

47. The Uruguary Round of Talks of GATT led to the establishment of
a) Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation
c) Group of 77
d) World Trade Organization

48. China has moved away from the policy of statism to market economy which was propounded  by one of the communist leaders of revolution who said "Market in China is like a bird in cage". Identify the person.
a) Chou En Lai
b) Lio Shaho Chi
c) Deng Tsiao Ping
d) Chiang Kai-Shek

49. Which round helped create the World Trade Organization?
a) Doha Round
b) Uruguay Round
c) Tokyo Round
d) Kennedy Round

50. Globalization expects the increasing role of which international organization?
b) IMF
c) WHO

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