Friday, October 11, 2013


1. The term Globalization was coined by
a) Robertson
b) Kaplan
c) Burton
d) Spiro

2. WTO's headquarter is at
a) Paris
b) London
c) Geneva
d) New York

3. WTO was the outcome of
a) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
b) General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
c) General Agreement on Trade in Services
d) General Agreement on Trade-related Aspects

4. WTO came to be established in
a) 1995
b) 1996
c) 1997
d) 1998

5. The European Union (EU) was established in
a) 1992
b) 1993
c) 1994
d) 1995

6. EU does not resemble like
a) a federation to promote trade, environmental, social economic policy.
b) a confederation to protect home affairs.
c) a nation-state to promote national interest
d) an international organization to take care of foreign affairs.

7. EU does not have
a) a common trade policy
b) a common agricultural policy
c) a common national policy
d) a common fisheries policy

8. Which of the following is not the institution of EU?
a) European Cabinet
b) European Parliament
c) European Commission
d) European Council

9. Put the following treaties in chronological order which led for the function of EU
1. Treaty of Rome
2. Treaty of Maastricht
3. Treaty of Paris
4. Merger Treaty
a) 3, 1, 4, 2
b) 1, 3, 2, 4
c) 4, 2, 3, 1
d) 1, 2, 3, 4

10. ASEAN was formed in
a) 1965
b) 1966
c) 1967
d) 1968

11. Which of the following was not the founding member of ASEAN?
a) Vietnam
b) Malaysia
c) Thailand
d) Indonesia

12. ASEAN Declaration, forming ASEAN is also known as
a) Singapore Declaration
b) Manila Declaration
c) Bangkok Declaration
d) Kuala Lumpur Declaration

13. ASEAN arose as a reaction against
a) European expansionism
b) Communist expansionism
c) Capitalists expansionism
d) American expansionism

14. Which is the latest additional member of SAARC?
a) Myanmar
b) Bangladesh
c) Afghanistan
d) Iran

15. What is the alternative of Gandhian socialism?
a) Sarvodaya
b) Trusteeship
c) Swadeshi
d) Ramarajya

16. Burke favoured the
a) French Revolution
b) English Revolution
c) American Revolution
d) Prussian Revolution

17. "There are crimes in the society, therefore there is a state." Who said it?
a) Bentham
b) Spencer
c) Locke
d) Gandhi

18. 'Kinship creates society and society creates state'. Who said it?
a) Laski
b) Maclver
c) Marx
d) Lenin

19. Which of the following makes the English Constitution unique?
a) A large number of rules based solely on conventions
b) The fact that no act has a higher degree of authority than a simple act of Parliament
c) Responsiveness of the government to public opinion
d) Constitutional Monarchy

20. Consider the following statements about the Constitution of UK
1. UK has a unitary Constitution
2. Parliament is sovereign in UK
3. UK has a system of judicial review
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1, 2 and 3
b) 2 and 3
c) 1 and 2
d) 1 only

21. The House of Lords does not have the following types of peers.
a) hereditary
b) elective
c) life
d) clergy

22. The characteristic features of the British Constitution are
a) unitary, presidential, flexible
b) unitary, parliamentary, flexible
c) flexible, parliamentary, federal
d) parliamentary, federal rigid

23. Britain is a land of
a) elections
b) conventions
c) statutes
d) kangaroos

24. Who is known as the first Prime Minister of England?
a) Disraelli
b) Palmerston
c) Walpole
d) Pitt, the Younger

25. In the USA the filibustering is a method used by
a) the Congress to pressurize the President
b) the President to prevent the introduction of a Bill in the Congress
c) members of the Senate to obstruct the passage of a Bill
d) judiciary to prevent Congress from passing a Bill

26. Which of the following combination characterizes the features of the US constitution?
a) Republic, federal, democratic
b) Democratic, unitary, republic
c) Federal, monarchical, democratic
d) Monarchical, unitary, unwritten

27. Which of the following has the powers to create the new states?
a) The US President
b) The US Congress
c) The state legislatures
d) The US Supreme Court

28. The German Chancellor is elected
a) directly by the people
b) by the Bundestrat (Upper House)
c) by the Bundestag (House of Representatives)
d) by both the Houses (Bundestrat and Bundestag)

29. The relationship between the government and the President in France is a complex one due to
a) direct election of the President
b) centralization of powers
c) a mixed presidential-parliamentary form of government
d) parliament's reduced powers to control the government

30. Which of the following characteristics are the combination of features in France?
a) Unitary, republic, parliamentary
b) Unitary, republic, presidential
c) Unitary, republic, parliamentary-presidential
d) Federal, republic, presidential

31. The French Constitution of the fifth Republic is
1. indivisible
2. secular
3. democratic
4. socialist
5. social
6. republic
a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
b) 1, 2, 3, 5, 69
c) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
d) 3, 4, 5, 6, 1

32. The President of France is
a) elected  by the people through the majority of the votes cast.
b) elected by the people through the majority of the total votes
c) elected by the Senate and the National Assembly
d) elected by the Senate and the National Assembly

33. Which of the following are the features of SA Constitution?
a) Rigid, federal, presidential
b) Rigid, federal, parliamentary
c) Flexible, federal, presidential
d) Unitary, rigid, parliamentary

34. Which of the following is not true about People's Republic of China?
a) Mao Zedong established an autocratic socialist system in China.
b) Deng Xiaoping focused on market-oriented development
c) Living standard of the Chinese people has dramatically changes.
d) Political control is not as tight as before

35. Match List I with List II and select the correct code:
List I                                       List II
(A) Indian Constitution               1. 146 articles
(B) South Africa Constitution      2. 395 articles
(C) French Constitution              3. 243 articles
(D) German Constitution            4. 92 articles
            A             B             C             D
a)        2              3              1              4
b)        2              3              4              1
c)        2              4              3              1
d)        2              1              3              4

36. A was born in Nasik in 1920 and had gone to Chicago for study. He married Miss B, an American girl there and a son C was born to them in Boston in 1945. All of them came to Pune and continued to stay until the commencement of the Constitution and beyond. C acquired citizenship of India because
a) he was born in America before 1947
b) he was domiciled in India and was born of an Indian parent
c) he came to India in 1946 and stayed until the commencement of the Constitution
d) his mother B, though a foreigner, also came to India before the commencement of the Constitution.

37. The sequence in which the given terms are mentioned in the preamble to the Constitution of India is:
a) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic
b) Socialist, Secular, Sovereign, Democratic, Republic
c) Secular, Sovereign, Democratic, Socialist, Republic
d) Sovereign, Democratic, Secular, Socialist, Republic

38. In the Constitution of India, the term 'Federal'
a) figures in the Preamble
b) figures in Part III of the Constitution
c) figures in Article 368
d) does not figure anywhere

39. Which of the following was the chairman of the committee on the Rules of procedure?
a) K.M. Munshi
b) Vallabhbhai Patel
c) Rajendra Prasad
d) H.C. Mookherjee

40. With regard to the sources of the Indian Constitution  match List I and List II
List I                                   List II
A. Britain                            1. Directive Principles
B. USA                              2. Parliamentary System
C. Union of South Africa      3. Concept of Fundamental Rights
D. Irish free State                4. Amending process
            A             B             C             D
a)        2              3              4              1
b)        2              3              1              4
c)        3              2              1              4
d)        4              1              2              3

41. Who had said that the preamble is the keynote to the Constitution?
a) K.M. Munshi
b) Ernest Barker
c) Thakur Das Bhargava
d) D.D. Basu

42. Which of the following group constituted the State Reorganization Commission?
a) Fazl Ali, Panikker, Kunzru
b) Kunzru, Katju, Dhar
c) Dhar, Fazl Ali, Pankkar
d) Panikkar, Fazl Ali, Katju

43. Who had described the Indian Constitution as a unitary state with subsidiary federal features?
a) Ivor Jennings
b) B.R. Ambedkar
c) G. Austin
d) K.C. Wheare

44. Which of the following declares India to be a federal state?
a) Golak Nath Case
b) Bommai Case
c) Shankari Prasad Case
d) Minerva Mills Case

45. The Basic Structure includes which of the following provisions?
1. Rule of Law
2. Federal polity
3. Parliamentary democracy
4. Citizenship provisions
a) 1, 2, 3
b) 1, 2, 4
c) 1, 3, 4
d) 2, 3, 4

46. Who describes the Indian federation as 'a cooperative federation'?
a) Granvile Austin
b) Sir Ivor Jennuings
c) K.C. Wheare
d) Alexandrowicz

47. Match List I with List II
List I                         List II
A. Union List             1. Forest
B. State List              2. Police
C. Concurrent            3. Banking
           A             B             C
a)        1              2              3
b)        3              2              1
d)        1              3              2
d)        2              3              1

48. Sarkaria Commission Report was officially received by the Government in
a) 1969
b) 1973
c) 1977
d) 1988

49. Right to vote and to be elected in India is a
a) Fundamental Right
b) Constitutional Right
c) Natural Right
d) Legal Right

50. Which of the following freedoms is not guaranteed by Constitution of India?
a) Freedom to own, acquire and dispose of property
b) Freedom to move freely throughout the country
c) Freedom to assemble peaceful and without arms
d) Freedom to practise any trade or profession

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