Tuesday, September 24, 2013



1. BCG vaccine is anti

a) emphysema

b) pneumonia

c) polio

d) tuberculosis


2. Causative agent of TB is

a) Salmonella

b) Streptococcus

c) Mycobacterium

d) Pneumococus


3. Polio immunizing vaccine was developed by

a) E Jenner

b) Dr. Salk

c) J Lederberg

d) Landsteiner


4. Region of the body where poliomyelitis virus multiplies

a) nerve cells

b) muscles cells

c) intestinal cells

d) none of the above


5. AIDS virus has

a) single stranded DNA

b) double stranded DNA

c) single stranded RNA

d) double stranded RNA


6. The first effect of adding fertilizer to a pond would most likely be to

a) decrease the amount of phytoplankton

b) kill most bacteria

c) lower the compensation point

d) increase the amount of phytoplankton


7. An American plant, which had become a troublesome waterweed in India is

a) Typha latifolia

b) Trapa bispinosa

c) Cyprus rotundus

d) Eichhorinia crassipes


8. First bioinsecticide developed on commercial scale was

a) Quinine

b) DDT

c) Organophosphate

d) Sporeine


9. The Mexican dwarf wheat variety was developed by

a) Swaminathan

b) Borlaugh

c) Watson

d) Khush


10. Sharbati Sonora variety of wheat was obtained by

a) crossing with wild varieties of wheat

b) hybridization between wild varieties of wheat

c) X-ray treatment

d) irradiation of Sonora 64 with gamma rays


11. Horti-pastoral farming refers to

a) growing food and fodder

b) growing mixed crops

c) growing fodder and rearing cattle, etc.

d) growing fruit trees and fodder simultaneously


12. High milk yielding varieties of cows are obtained by

a) super ovulation

b) artificial insemination

c) use of surrogate mothers

d) all of these


13. Abiotic component in an ecosystem is

a) water

b) daphnia

c) bacteria

d) chlorella


14. Biotic components include

a) only producers

b) producers, consumers and decomposers

c) only consumers

d) only producers and consumers


15. Plants growing well in full sunlight are called

a) xerophytes

b) mesophytes

c) heliophytes

d) sciophytes


16. The transfer of energy from organism to organism in a natural community establishes

a) food chains

b) biological control

c) natural barriers

d) all the above


17. A food chain consists of

a) producers and primary consumers

b) producers, herbivores and carnivores

c) producers, consumers and decomposers

d) producers, carnivores and decomposers


18. The female silkworm moth produces a chemical termed 'bombykol', which attracts the male, and the two then mate together. This chemical serves as

a) a sex pheromone

b) an aggregation pheromone

c) an alarm pheromone

d) a sex pheromone as well as an alarm pheromone


19. when a big fish eats a small fish, which eats water fleas supported by phytoplankton, the water fleas are

a) primary consumers

b) secondary consumers

c) top consumer in this food chain

d) producers


20. A crocodile had just eaten a lamb when a hawk saw the crocodile, attacked it and consumed it. The hawk is in ecological terms

a) a producer

b) a primary consumer

c) a secondary consumer

d) a tertiary consumer


21. Biogeochemical cycles are also known as

a) cycles of matter

b) sedimentary cycles

c) material cycling

d) gaseous cycles


22. The nitrogen present in atmosphere is

a) injurious to plants

b) utilized by plants through micro-organisms

c) directly utilized by the plants

d) of no use to plants


23. The Siberian crane from Russia is a regular visitor to the bird sanctuary in which place in India?

a) Lallbagh, Bangalore

b) Vedanthgol sanctuary, Tamil Nadu

c) Ranganathathittis sanctuary, Karnataka

d) Bharatpur sanctuary, Rajasthan


24. An American plant that had become a troublesome waterweed in India is

a) Trapa bispinosa

b) Cyperus rotundus

c) Eichhornia crassipes

d) Typha latifolia


25. Gases referred to as "Green house gases" are

a) CO2, O2, NO2, NH3

b) chlorofluorocarbon, CO2, NH3, N2

c) CH4, N2, CO2, NH3

d) chlorofluorocarbon, CO2, CH4, NO2


26. In the recent years there has been an increasingly incidence of floods in the plains of northern India because

a) there has been an increase in annual rainfall

b) the rate of silting of dams has gone up

c) there has been increased deforestation in the catchment areas

d) increased areas of land is being self cultivated


27. Terracing effective method of soil conservation in

a) desert areas

b) plain areas

c) hill areas

d) none of these


28. Minamata disease is a pollution-related disease, which results from

a) release of human organic waste into drinking water

b) accumulation of arsenic into atmosphere

c) release of industrial waste mercury into fishing water

d) oil spills into sea


29. Radioactive strontium as result of radioactive fallout is

a) Sr 90

b) Sr 85

c) Sr 95

d) Sr 80


30. Silent valley – which contains very rare species of plants and animals, is situated in

a) Kerala

b) Rajasthan

c) Jammu & Kashmir

d) Bombay


31. "Chipko Movement is concerned with

a) plant conservation

b) project tiger

c) animal breeding

d) plant breeding


32. The hardest part of a tooth is the

a) dentine

b) enamel

b) Ameloblasts

d) Odontoblast


33. Diastema is associated with

a) presence of certain teeth

b) absence of certain teeth

c) absence of tongue

d) presence of tongue


34. curdling of milk in the stomach is due to the action of

a) pepsin

b) rennin

c) HCl

d) Trypsin


35. Balanced diet should have

a) protein 1/5, fat 3/5, carbohydrate 1/5

b) protein 3/5, fat 1/5, carbohydrate 1/5

c) protein 1/5, fat 1/5, carbohydrate 3/5

d) protein 1/2, fat 1/4, carbohydrate 1/4


36. Chronic alcoholics are always short of vitamin

a) B                  b) C        c) D        d) E


37. A normal man respires in a minute

a) 10-15 times

b) 14-18 times

c) 20-25 times

d) 25-30 times


38. Pressure exerted in the treachery elements of a xylem as a result of metabolic activity of roots which forces the water into xylem vessel and upwards into the stem for a certain height is

a) osmotic pressure

b) root pressure

c) atmosphere pressure

d) turgor pressure


39. In what ways do lymph capillaries differ from blood capillaries?

a) Lymph capillaries contain red blood cells

b) Lymph capillaries have a wall of only one cell layer

c) Lymph capillaries begin with blind ends throughout interstitial fluid

d) contain plasma


40. Females need more dietary iron than males because

a) the lose iron during menstruation

b) they have less bone marrow

c) they have large volume of blood

d) they are less able to absorb iron


41. The reabsorption of glucose in a nephron occurs in

a) loop of Henle

b) first half of proximal tubule

c) distal convoluted tubule

d) proximal part of collecting ducts


42. Agent orange is a herbicide that contains synthetic

a) auxin         

b) cytokinin

c) gibberellins

d) pigments


43. Which cell stops dividing after birth?

a) Glial cells

b) Epithelium

c) Liver

d) Neuron


44. Largest part of the brain of man is called

a) olfactory lobe

b) cerebral hemisphere

c) corpus callosum

d) optic nerve


45. A high frequency sound will be detected by

a) otoliths in the vestibule

b) hair cells in the semicircular canals

c) hair cells in the organ of Corti

d) none of the above


46. A person going up to 10,000 feet high in a hot balloon may develop severe pain in the ear due to

a) blocked Eustachian tube

b) rupture of fenestra rotunda

c) endolymph getting into semicircular canals

d) fear of great height


47. If a pregnant woman having prolonged labour pains, its childbirth has to be hastened. It is advisable to administer a hormone that can

a) activate the smooth muscles

b) increase the metabolic rate

c) release glucose into the blood

d) stimulate the ovary


48. If a rat were given an injection of sodium iodide with radioactive iodine, then in which one fo the following most of the iodine would be incorporated?

a) Cartilage

b) Thyroid

c) Lymph nodes

d) Parathyroid


49. Cushing's disease is caused by

a) disturbance in fat metabolism

b) excess of ACTH secretion by the pituitary

c) under secretion of insulin

d) none of the above


50. Development of secondary sexual characters in female is controlled by

a) oestrogen

b) oxytocin

c) testosterone

d) progesterone



1.d         2.c         3.b        4.a         5.c          6.d          7.d          8.d          9.b       10.d

11.d      12.b       13.a       14.b       15.c        16.a        17.c        18.a        19.a        20.d

21.a     22.b        23.d       24.c       25.d        26.c        27.c        28.c        29.a        30.a

31.a     32.b        33.b       34.b       35.c        36.b        37.b        38.b        39.c        40.a

41.b     42.a        43.d       44.b       45.c        46.a        47.a        48.b        49.b        50.a

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