Saturday, November 17, 2012

Robot Quiz

Robot Quiz


  1. Who introduced the word 'ROBOT' in literature?

a) Jerome. K. Jerome                                       b) Karel Capek

c) O. Henry                                                      d) John. P. Heyz


  1. The word 'Robot' comes from which language?

a) English                                                        b) French

c) German                                                       d) Czech


  1. The country that produces large number of industrial robots?

a) America                                                       b) Australia

c) Belgium                                                       d) Japan


  1. The first mobile robot that was named after its jerky motion :

a) ARGS                                                           b) Shakey

c) Robo                                                            d) Jumbo


  1. The study of robots is known as :

a) Robology                                                     b) Robotechnology

c) Robotics                                                      d) Roboscience


  1. The Name of first industrial robot is :

a) Unimate                                                      b) Knemates

c) Vibotcs                                                        d) Japa – robo


  1. The robot having the shape of a shark?

a) Roboshark – 0                                             b) Roboshark – 1

c) Sharkrobo                                                    d) Roboshark – 2


  1. First humanoid robot is :

a) ASIMO                                                         b) ARYS

c) KRYS                                                            d) RRBO


  1. The full form of ASIMO is

a) Advanced step in Innovative Mobility        b) Advanced step in innovationary machine operation

c) Advanced step in industrial motor              d) Advanced step in infra motivation


  1. Which part is necessary for the movement of robots?

a) Integrated circuits                                      b) Transistors

c) Sensors                                                        d) Dioces


  1. Biggest Indian made robot is :

a) Nataraj                                                        b) Visnu

c) Nagaraj                                                       d) Bharat


  1. The first robot having the ability to walk is :

a) Hengis                                                         b) Genghis

c) Walkeis                                                       c) Walkher


  1. Who introduced the Laws of Robotics?

a) Karel Capek                                                 b) Amgel Berger

c) David Liningsten                                         d) Isaac Asimov


  1. 'Father of robotics' is

a) Isaac Asimov                                               b) Joseph Engelberger

c) John. P. Heyz                                               d) David Livingston


  1. USSR's robots of land an another world were called :

a) Lunokhod                                                    b) Monocodes

c) Bicodes                                                       d) Tricodes


  1. A robot was launched first on which planet ?

a) Venus                                                          b) Jupiter

c) Mars                                                            d) Saturn


  1. The electronic brain of robot is a

a) Computer                                                    b) Sensors

c) Remote controller                                       d) Metal shield



Answer Sheet :


1. b                  2. d                  3. d                  4. b                  5. c

6. a                  7. d                  8. a                  9. a                  10. c

11. a                12. b                13. d                14. b                15. a

16. c                17. a

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