Monday, November 19, 2012

Quiz : Astronomy Quiz

Quiz : Astronomy Quiz


1.     In how much time does moonlight reach the Earth?

a) 1.3 Seconds                             b) 13 seconds

c) 1.3 minutes                             d) 13 minutes


2.     Squadron leader, Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian in space was launched aborad :

a) Vostak                                      b) Sayuz T 11

c) Salyut 7                                    d) Salyut 4


3.     Triton and Nereid are the satellites of :

a) Pluto                                         b) Jupiter

c) Uranus                                      d) Neptune


4.     The bright head of the comet is known as

a) Pointer                                     b) Nucleus

c) Coma                                        d) Shooter


5.     The mean distance between the Earth and Sun as well as the distances within the Solar System are represented by :

a) Light Year                                 b) Astronomical Unit

c) Parsec                                       d) Angstrom


6.     Sirius, the brightest star outside the Solar System is also known as :

a) Dog star                                   b) Proxima Centauri

c) North Star                                d) Delta Cephei


7.     Actinometer is an instrument used to measure :

a) Head radiation                        b) Speed of planets

c) Solar radiation                         d) Distances from the Sun


8.     The first spacewalk was undertaken by :

a) Yuri Gagarin                             b) Neil Armstrong

c) Edwin Aldrin                            d) Lt. Col. Alexei Leonov


9.     'Shooting Starts' in another term used for:

a) Meteors                                   b) Comets

c) Asteroids                                  d) Supernovae


10. Corona, the outermost layer of Sun's atmosphere is visible only during :

a) Total solar eclipse                   b) Annular solar eclipse

c) Partial solar eclipse                 d) Lunar eclipse


11. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, was first studied extensively by :

a) Harlow Shapley                             b) Copernicus

c) Galileo                                            d) Ptolemy


12. At perihelion, the Earth is at a distance of 147 million kms from Sun and at Aphelion the distance between them is :

a) 149 million kms                      b) 152 million kms

c) 170 million kms                      d) 155 million kms


13. Ratio between the total solar radiation falling upon the surface of a body and the amount reflected is called :

a) Mirage                                      b) Illumination

c) Albedo                                      d) Terrestrial radiation


14. The eclipse of the moon shows :

a) Angular shadow of Earth       b) Circular Shadow of Earth

c) An elliptical shadow               d) No shadow


15. Selenography is the study of :

a) Surface of moon                     b) Galaxies

c) Surface of sun              d) Asteroids'


16. Sunspots are the dark spots on the Son's surface. The bright areas of the photosphere are known as :

a) Light Spots                               b) Patches

c) Holes                                        d) Faculae



Answers :


1. a                        2. b                 3. d                 4. c                  5. b


6. a                        7. c                  8. d                 9. a                  10. a


11. a               12. b               13. c                14. b               15. a               16. d

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