Saturday, November 17, 2012




1.      What does CITES stand for :

a) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Spices of wild fauna and flora

b) Convention on Indian Trade in Extinct Species

c) Committee on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora

d) Committee on Indian Trade in Endangered Species of wild Fauna and flora


2.      Nandadevi Biosphere Reserve is located at :

a) Madhya Pradesh                       b) Chattishgarh                      

c) Jharkand                                    d) Uttaranchal


3.      Basel Convention deals with :

a) Persistent organic pollutants

b) Land degradation problem

c) Transboundary movement of hazardous waste

d) Promotion of organic farming practices


4.      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) with its headquarters at Nairobi was established in the year :-

a) 1976                                          b) 1974

c) 1973                                          d) 1972


5.      Wetlands in India occupy an area of about :

a) 5.6 mha                                     b) 4.1 mha

c) 3.2 mha                                                 d) 2.7 mha


6.      G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan environment and Development was established in 1988 at :

a) Shimla                                       b) Ladakh

c) Almora                                       d) Pittoragarh


7.      Giant Panda, the logo of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), was designed by :

a) Peter Carberry                           b) Gerald Watterson

c) Peter Scott                                 d) Gerald Smith


8.      Project Tiger was launched on :

a) 1 September 1972                     b) 1 April 1972

c) 1 April 1973                               d) 1 September 1973


9.      The first Biosphere Reserve of Indian is :

a) Manas                                       b) Gulf of Mannar

c) Nokrek                                       d) Nilgiri


10.  Red Data Book is published by :

a) UNEP                                         b) IVCN

c) Green Peace                              d) NBRI


11.  Gas hydrates found in deep sea are :

a) Butane molecules trapped in water

b) Methane molecules trapped in ice

c) Ethane molecules trapped in ice

d) Propane molecules trapped in water


12.  Ramsar Convention deals with :

a) Coral reef conservation            b) National Parks

c) Wetlands                                   d) Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)


13.  Llyods Botanical Garden is located at :

a) Lucknow                                    b) Bangalore

c) Hyderabad                                 d) Darjeeling


14.  Percentage of oxygen present in the atmosphere is :

a) 78.8 % in volume                      b) 020.95% in volume

c) 55.6% in volume                        d) 18.7% in volume


15.  Which is reliable indicator / monitor of air pollution?

a) Bacteria                                    b) Mushroom

c) Lichens                                      d) Mycoplasma


16.  A lake with a low supply of nutrients is known as :

a) Eutrophic Lake                          b) Mestrophic Lake

c) Megatrophic Lake                     d) Oligotrophic Lake



            Answer Sheet :


            1. a                  2. d                  3. c                  4. 4                  5. b

            6. c                  7. c                  8. c                  9. d                  10. b

            11. b                12. c                13. d                14. b                15. c   

            16. d

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