Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Word power

Word Power

1. Cacophony

a) False Statement   b) Ancient casket   c) Harsh sound


2. oenophile (EE no file)

a) gourmet   b) wine lover   c) teetotaler


3. prognosis

a) delay    b) forecast    c) foundation


4. caustic- capable of

a) falling    b) growth   c) burning


5. Arcadian

a) pastoral   b) bird-like   c) dark green.


6. proboscis

a) unmanned spacecraft   b) tax-efficient investment

 c) mammal's nose


7. dynamic

a) forceful   b) inarticulate   c) nervous


8. hierarchy

a) order   b) ruler   c) retinue


9. hippogriff

a) part of the brain   b) concert hall  c) mythical


10. paradigm

a) clear example   b) best of its kind  c) humourous play.


11. onomatopoeic- related to

a) nomadic people 

b) words that sound like what they mean.    c) free verse.


12. mitre

a) sawhorse    b) headdress   c) prayer book.


13. synchronize

a) to mend                    b) share equality

c) make happen at the same time.


14. tendon

a) slight inclination    b) escort ship   c) fibrous tissue


15. polymath- person of

a) great learning  b) numerical ability   c) impeccable style.


16. abecedarian (ay-bee-see-'der-ee-un)

a) rudimentary    b)going on foot    c) in one's 90s


17. ebullient (in-'bull-yunt)

a) countless   b) full of high spirits   c) made of gold


18. puckish

a) a little loving   b) a little plump   c) a little hungry.


19. legerdemain (leh-jur-duh-'mane)

a) Stock portfolio    b) law of the land   c) sleight of hand


20. odium ('od-dee-um)

a) addictive narcotic   b) hatred and contempt 

 c) Greek theatre


21. bumbershoot

a) umbrella   b) misfiring rifle   c) first growth in spring


22. smarmy('smar-mee)

a)  phonily pleasant                   b) crawling with ants  

c) as slow as molasses.


23. moot

a) purely academic   b) unable to speak   c) bovine.


24. tacit ('tass-it)

a) unspoken but under stood       b) only temporary  

c) firm and binding


25. lugubrious (luh-'goo-'bee-us)

A) gloomy   b) let-handed   c) in the seat of power


26. peccadillo (peck-uh-'dill-oh)

a) wild pig   b) slight misdeed    c) pale yellow colour


27. quixotic (kwik-'soh-tik)

a) tiny, trifling   b) dreamy, impractical   c) fierce, bullying.


28. uxorious (uk-`sore-ee-us)

a) costing too much    b) doting on one's wife  

c) in wild disarray


29. bloviate ('blow- vee-ate)

a) make unnecessary    b) rupture a blood vessel  

c) speak or write wordily.


30. cipher ('sye-fur)

a) gentle breeze   b) musky perfume.  

C) encoded message.


31. nadir ('nah-deer or 'nay-der)

a) hub of a wheel   b) lowest point   c) polite refusal.


32. loofah ('loo-fuh)

a) sponge from a grourd.   B) water pipe for smoking

c) slipper with curled toe.


33. kismet ('kiz-met)

a) lovers' tryst   b) journey on foot   c) fate.


34. fakir (fuh-'keer)

a) sham or fraud   b) holy beggar   c) tassel on a fez.


35. macramé ('mack-ruh-may)

a) two-masted ship   b) honey cereal   c) knot-tying art


36. popinjay ('po-pin-jay)

a) conceited person   b) skewer for kebabs  c) uninvited guest.


37. mufti ('muff-tee)

a) confusing situation   b) civilian dress   c) rodent


38. sirocco (shuh-'rah-co)

a) hot, dry wind   b) steep decline   c) siege.


39. carafe (kuf-'raf)

a) slide rule   b) steep decline   c) bottle with a flared lip.


40. roc ('rock)

a) flying carpet   b) narcotic plant   c) legendary bird.


41. henna ('heh-nuh)

a) armed horseman   b) reddish brown dye   c) nag


42. fatwa ('faht-wah)

a) decree   b) sneak attack   c) period of feasting.


43. borax ('bore-ax)

a) desert-dwelling spider   b) weaving tool 

 c) mineral used as a cleansing agent.


44. alchemy ('al-keh-mee)

a) chaos   b) forerunner of chess 

c) process of transmuting substances.


45. elixir (ill-'ick-sur)

a) collarbone   b) cure-all   c) happiness.


46. anachronism (uh-'nak-ruh-niz-um)

a) brief interval   b) grandfather clock 

 c) thing misplaced in time


47. concurrent (cun-'cur-unt)

a) occasional   b) simultaneous    c) in the nick of time


48. temporize ('tem-puh-rise)

a) evade in order to delay   b) get up- to- date  

c) put on a schedule.


49. ephemeral (ih-'fem-uh-rul)

a) short-lived   b) antique   c) improving with age.


50. dormancy ('door-mun-see)

a) incubation period   b) curfew   c) state of inactivity.


51. incipient (in-'sip-ee-unt)

a) cyclical   b) just beginning  c) out of sync


52. equinox ('ee-kwuh-nocks)

a) when day is longest   b) when day is shortest  

c) when day and night are the same  length


53. pro tempore (pro-'tem-puh-ree)

a) in good time   b) ahead of time   c) for the time being


54. juncture ('junck-chur)

a) midyear   b) point in time   c) gap in the geologic record.


55. erstwhile ('urst-while)

a) past   b) present   c) future.


56. dilatory ('dill-uh-tor-ee)

a) early   b) tardy    c) occurring at ever-widening intervals.


57. moratorium (more-uh-tore-ee-um)

a) half a century    b) suspension of activity   c) clock tower


58. perpetuate (pur-'peh-chuh-wait)

a) happen at the wrong moment     b) speed up   c) make everlasting


59. horologe ('hore-uh-loje)

a) astronomical calendar    b) timepiece   c) dusk.


60. Olympiad (uh-'lim-pee-ad)

a) four year interval      b) international date line

  c) Greek sundial



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