Tuesday, September 1, 2015

word power answers

Answers Of Word Power

  1. cacophony –(c) Harsh or discordant sound. "How can I sleep with that constant cacophony coming from upstairs?" Kakophonos (ill-sounding).
  2. oenophile- (b) Lover or connoisseur of wine. "You're such an oenophile, I'd rather let you pick the wine." Oinos (wine).
  3. prognosis- (b) forecast, particularly of the likely course of an illness. "His prognosis was grim." Pro- (before) and gignoskein (to know).
  4. caustic- (c) Able to burn or corrode. "The liquid was caustic, leaving blisters on her hands." Also, cutting, bitter. Kaustikos.
  5. acradian- (a) Idyllical pastoral; rustic. "The Arcadian view made her long to stay on rather than return to the city." Arkadia (relion of Greece).
  6. proboscis-(c) Nose of a mammal, especially if long and mobile like an elephant's trunk. Proboscis (means of getting food).
  7. dynamic- (a) forceful, very energetic. "A dynamic new head turned the failing school around." Dunamis (power).
  8. hierarchy- (A)Order; system that ranks people according to authority or status. "Medieval society was based on a feudal hierarchy. " Hierarkhia.
  9. hippogriff- (C) Mythical creature with the body of a horse and a griffin's head and wings. "The hippogriff came to life in Harry Potter films." Hippos (horse) and Italian grifo (griffin).
  10. paradigm- (a) A very clear or typical example. Paradeigma.
  11. onomatopoeic – (b) Related to words whose sound suggest their sense. "Term such as 'buzz' and 'hiss' give her poetry an onomatopoeic quality." Onomatopoiia (word- making).
  12. mitre- (b) Tall headdress that tapers to a point front and back with a crosswise cleft, such as that worn by a bishop. Mitra (belt or turban).
  13. synchronize- (c) To make happen or exit at precisely the same time. Sun (together) and khronos (time)
  14. tendon –(c) Strong fibrous tissue connecting muscle to bone. Tenon (sinew).
  15. polymath- (a) person of great and wide-ranging learning. "A polymath, he could play the piano or discuss scientific theory." Polumathes (having learned much).
  16. abecedarian –(a) rudimentary (as in a, b, c, d). Archie, with his abecedarian, has flooded the kitchen.
  17. ebullient- (b) full of high spirits. It must be all the coffee that makes Diana so ebullient.
  18. puckish –(c) a little hungry. Yes, I did eat the entire pie-I was feeling puckish.
  19. legerdemain- (c) sleight of hand. Through some last-minute legerdemain, Betty Ann, who can't tell a daisy from a dandelion was voted president of the garden club.
  20. odium- (b) hatred and contempt. The fielder had to endure his team-mates' odium after he let the batsmen take the winning run.
  21. bumbershoot- (a) umbrella. A sudden gust swiped Michel's rain hat and blew his polka-dot bumbershoot inside out.
  22. smarmy – (a) phonily pleasant Dhiren's smarmy reply to the boss's e-mail fooled no one but the boss, who promptly promoted him.
  23. moot- (a) purely academic. "It's a moot point," the ticket checker said, "The law's the law".
  24. tacit- (a) unspoken but understood. Ali's silence about Grandma's broken figurines amounted to a tacit confession.
  25. lugubrious- (a) gloomy. Lugubrious and plodding, Stanley makes every day seem like a rainy Monday.
  26. peccadillo- (b) slight misdeed. He claimed that his felony conviction was a boyhood peccadillo, but that somehow failed to impress the jury.
  27. quixotic – (b)dreamy, impractical. The ambassador's quixotic idea was to invite the warring presidents to an arm-wrestling match.
  28. uxorious- (b) doting on one's wife. Our uxorious buddy can't play poker-he's taking his wife to the ballet.
  29. bloviate – (c) speak or write wordily. While the commencement speaker bloviated, the graduates snored.
  30. cipher –(c) encoded message. I'm not sure what it says –it's one of his usual SMS ciphers.
  31. nadir –(b) lowest point. When the school did away with extra classes, Clara's marks plunged to an all time  nadir.
  32. loofah- (a) sponge from a gourd. Her shower cabinet is crowded with botanical shampoos and loofahs in all  sizes.
  33. kismet- (c) fate. It was kismet when peter split wine on another party guest; they're now married.
  34. fakir –(b) holy beggar. He asks for change for the pay-phone like a fakir.
  35. macramé-(C) Knot-tying art. My six-year-old's hair is so tangled, it looks like macramé.
  36. popinjay- (a) conceited person. The party was full of bores, morons, and popinjays.
  37. mufti-(b) civilian dress. No one recognized the waitress in mufti and she was grateful.
  38. sirocco- (a) hot, dry wind. The lone fan in the laundry aerated a sirocco that blew lint around the windowless room.
  39. carafe – (c) bottle with a flared lip. The picnic was so fancy, the fruit juice was served in a crystal carafe.
  40. roc-(c) legendary bird. The bird feeder was empty and knocked to the ground, as if a roc had visited.
  41. henna –(b) reddish-brown dye. The chocolate Labrador would have won, but the judges found out its coat had been treated with henna.
  42. fatwa- (a) decree. The boss has issued a fatwa against lunch breaks until we've finished the budget report.
  43. borax- (c) mineral used as a cleansing agent. There's not enough borax in the world to clean this mess.
  44. alchemy-(c) process of transmuting substances. With a few chickpeas and a can of tomato sauce, my grand-mother could work alchemy.
  45. elixir-(b) cure-all. And Grandma's soup was an elixir that could cure the sniffles and the blues.
  46. anachronism –(c) thing misplaced in time. I'm pretty sure that the clock in Julius casear is a n anachronism.
  47. concurrent –(b) simultaneous. The soundings of the dinner bell and the fire alarm were concurrent in the house where we grew up.
  48. temporize-(a) evade in order to delay. Asked what had happened to the plate of chocolates that had been on the counter, Jai temporized by telling his mother she looked beautiful.
  49. ephemeral-(a) short-lived. The Mumbai winter is as ephemeral as a rainbow.
  50. dormancy-(c) state of inactivity. In the middle of the big sales meeting, Sahil emerged from dormancy with a loud snort.
  51. incipient –(b) just beginning. Dave slathered on the herbal concoction and then examined his pate for any incipient hairs.
  52. equinox-(c) when day and night are the same length. Arlene has the brownest of thumbs, but every spring equinox, she pores over all the nursery catalogues she can find.
  53. pro tempore-(c) for the time being. They told me I could have the job pro tempore, until they find someone qualified.
  54. juncture-(b) point in time. James realized he had come to an important juncture in his life when he lost his job and won the lottery on the same day.
  55. erstwhile-(a) past. Our city's erstwhile mayor now makes his residence in the town penitentiary.
  56. dilatory-(b) tardy. Stacy apologized for being dilatory in sending thank-you notes but was able to write one for our baby gift now that the baby is in college.
  57. moratorium-(b) suspension of activity. My brother-in-law and I are observing a moratorium on political discussion.
  58. perpetuate-(c) make everlasting. His self-flattery perpetuates the myth that he's actually competent.
  59. horologe-(b) time-piece. Obsessed with horologes, my aunt stuff her house with sun-dials, hour-glasses and cuckoos clocks.

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