Tuesday, April 26, 2016


1.            NASA refers to

(a)    National Aeronautics and Space Administration

(b)   North Atlantic Space and Space Agency

(c)    Northern Airbase and Space Agency

(d)   None of the above

2.            ISRO refers to

(a)    International Space Research Organization

(b)   Indian Space Research Organization

(c)    Industrial Security and Research Organization

(d)   None of these

3.            Indian Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors use

(a)    Uranium based fuel        (b) Thorium based fuel

(c)    Both uranium and thorium based fuel

(d)   Uranium and yttrium based fuel

4.            First woman cosmonaut in space is

(a)    Valentina Vladimirovan Tereshkova

(b)   Kalpana Chawla             (c)P.T. Usha   

(d)   None of the above

5.            Match the following

(I)                Identical twins

(II)             Fraternal twins

(III)          Siamese twins

(A) Division of Zygote

(B)  Two Sperms fertilize two ova

(C) Attached physically and physiologically

(a)    I-A, II-B, III-C

(b)   I-C, II-B, III-A

(c)    I-B, II-A, III-C

(d)   I-B, II-C, III-A

6.            Heart beats ………. in fever

(a) Faster                              (b) Slower

(c) Unevenly                                    (d) None of the above

7.            Deficiency of proteins causes

(a) Kwashirkar                     (b) Xerophthalmia

(c) Goitre                              (d) Tuberculosis

8.            The sound waves which cannot be heard by a human ear are called

(a) Extraordinary sounds     (b) Infrasonic sounds

(c) Ultrasonic sounds           (d) Both (b) and (c)

9.            Rickets is a disease caused due to deficiency of

(a) Vitamin A                       (b) Vitamin B

(c) Vitamin C                       (d) Vitamin D

10.        Which of the following is also known as 'the power house of the cell'?

(a) Mitochondira                  (b) Ribosomes

(c) Golgi bodies                   (d) None of the above

11.        The combustible material on the tip of a safely match stick is

(a) Antimony sulphide         (b) Phoshorus

(c) Manganese dioxide         (d) Sulphur

12.        Chemically Diamond is made up of

(a) Berallium                        (b) Carbon

(c) Magnesium                     (d) None of the above

13.        Which of the following instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure?

(a) Anemometer                   (b) Audiometer

(c) Barometer                       (d) Altimeter

14.        Earth completes one rotation in 23 hours 56 minutes 4.09 seconds. If we look at earth from outside, it is found to rotate from ……. to ……..

(a) West, east                       (b) East, west

(c) North, south                    (d) South, north

15.        Light travels at ….. m/s

(a) 3  1010                            (b) 3  108

(c) 9.8                                   (d) None of the above

16.        Which among the following is an astronomical unit of distance?

(a) Angstrong                       (b) Femometre

(c) Light year                       (d) Mach        

17.        Mach number is obtained by dividing the instant speed by the speed of sound. Speed in excess of Mach I is

(a) Super Sonic                     (b) Hyper Sonic

(c) Tetra Sonic                      (d) None of the above

18.        Weight of an object is

(a)    Minimum at the equator

(b)   Maximum at the equator

(c)    Minimum at the poles    (b) Same everywhere

19.        DNA refers to

(a) Di-oxyribo Nuclic Acid  (b) Dyoxide Acid

(c) Different Oxiberic Acts  (d) None of these above

20.        A piece of rock is taken from the moon to the earth. Then is

(a)    Mass will change           

(b)   Both mass and weight will change

(c)    Mass will remain constant, weight will change

(d)   None of the above

21.        ……. for the first time proclaimed that the Sun was at the center of the universe and the Earth and other planets revolve around it

(a) Kepler                                  (b) Newton

(c) Copernicus                          (d) Ptolemy

22.        The sun continuously produces an enormous amount of energy due to

(a) Nuclear fusion                     (b) Nuclear fission

(c) Chemical changes                (d) None of the above

23.        A rope walker holds an open umbrella in his hand. This is to

(a) Maintain the balance           (b) To show off

(c) To land safely in case of falling

(d) None of the above

24.        The minimum velocity which must be attained by a rocket to leave the earth's atmosphere is knows as escape velocity. Its value is

(a) 8 km/s                                  (b) 9 km/s

(c) 10.5 km/s                             (d) 11.2 km/s

25.        Match the following

(I)                ISRO

(II)             Satellite Launching Station

(III)          Missile Testing Range

(IV)          Vikram Testing Range

(A) Bangalore

(B)  Sriharikota

(C) Chandipur

(D) Thiruvanthapuram

(a)          I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D

(b)         I-D, II-C, III-B, IV-A

(c)          I-C, II-D, III-B, IV-A

(d)         I-A, II-D, III-B, IV-C           

26.        Match the following

(I)                Mercury

(II)             Mars

(III)          Jupiter

(IV)          Pluto

(A) Red planet

(B)  Most massive planet

(C) Farthest planet from the sun

(D) Closet planet from the sun

(a)          I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D

(b)         I-D, II-A, III-B, IV-C

(c)          I-D, II-A, III-B, IV-A

(d)         I-C, II-D, III-B, IV-A

27.        A geo-stationary satellite is one that maintains a fixed focus to a point on the earth. It must be …… kms above the earth

(a) 34,000                             (b) 36,000

(c) 38,000                             (d) 40,000

28.        "When a body is immersed in a liquid fully or partially, it suffers an up thrust which is equal to the weight of liquid displaces". This is known as

(a) Pascal's law                    (b) Newton's law

(c) Archimedes' principle     (d) None of the above

29.        Match the following

(I)                Fathometer

(II)             Lactometer

(III)          Hygrometer

(IV)          Tachometer

(A) Revolutions per minute

(B)  Relative density

(C) Specific gravity of milk

(D) Depth of sea

(a)          I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D

(b)         I-D, II-C, III-B, IV-A

(c)          I-D, II-B, III-C, IV-A

(d)         I-A, II-C, III-D, IV-B

30.        Match the following

(I)                Pascal

(II)             Newton

(III)          Joule

(IV)          Watt

(A) Pressure

(B)  Force

(C) Work

(D) Power

(a)          I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D

(b)         I-B, II-C, III-D, IV-A

(c)          I-D, II-C, III-B, IV-A

(d)         I-B, II-D, III-A, IV-C

31.        A sudden fall in the level of mercury in a barometer indicates

(a) Fair weather                    (b) Stormy weather

(c) Cold weather                  (d) Hot weather

32.        When a bottle of perfume is opened in one corner of a room the smell spreads throughout the room. This is an example of

(a) Surface tension               (b) Capillarity

(c) Viscosity                         (d) Diffusion

33.        What is the name of instrument used for measuring blood pressure?

(a) Lactometer                      (b) Sphygmomanometer

(c) Stethoscope                    (d) Endoscope            

34.        What are the range of grading on a clinical thermometer, used to take body temperature?

(a) 00C to 1100C                   (b) 00F to 1100F

(c) 950F to 1100F                  (d) None of the above

35.        Who invented the television?

(a) Galelio                            (b) Newton

(c) J.L. Baird                        (d) S.N. Singher

36.        At which temperature, the Celsius and the Fahrenheit Scale show equal reading?

(a) 200                                   (b) -200

(c) -400                                 (d) 400

37.        Fish can survive inside deep frozen ponds because

(a)    Fish are cold blooded    (b) They hibernate

(c)    Ice is a good conductor of heat

(d)   There is water at 400C below frozen ice

38.        Drinks kept in a vacuum flash remain hot or cold for a long time because

(a)    Both walls are silvered

(b)   There is vacuum between double walls

(c)    The cork is a poor conductor

(d)   All the above

39.        When ice just melts

(a)    There is no change in volume

(b)   There is no change in temperature

(c)    There is no change in temperature

(d)   None of the above

40.        Television stations cannot transmit their regional programmes to far off places because

(a)    These signals are electro magnetic

(b)   They are non-elector magnetic

(c)    They have large amplitude

(d)   They are not reflected by the ionosphere as radio waves

41.        In a freezer, ice cubes will be formed more quickly in trays made of

(a) Rubber                            (b) Plastic

(c) Aluminium                      (d) None of these above

42.        When we are sweating, we comfortable under a fan because

(a)    Air circulated by fan in cool

(b)   Air takes away heat from our body

(c)    Air evaporates the sweat on our skin

(d)   None of above

43.        What is the full form of RADAR?

(a)    Radio Echo System

(b)   Radio detection and range finding

(c)    Reflected radio waves tracking

(d)   None of the above

44.        The speed of sound at sea level is

(a) 3x108 m/s                        (b) 344 m/s

(c) 1450 m/s                         (d) 5000 m/s

45.        Endoscopy, a technique used to explore the stomach or other inner parts of the body, is based on the phenomenon of

(a) Total internal reflection  (b) Interference

(c) Diffraction                      (d) Polarization

46.        The type of rear view mirror in a car is

(a) Concave                          (b) Parabolic

(c) Plane                               (d) Convex

47.        The mirage is a phenomenon

(a)    Generally considered a desert happening

(b)   Caused by unequal heating of layers of atmosphere

(c)    Due to phenomena of total internal reflection

(d)   All the above

48.        To an astronaut in space, the sky appears to be

(a) White                              (b) Blue

(c) Red                                 (d) Dark

49.        Submarines use

(a) Telescope                        (b) Periscope

(c) Microscope                     (d) None of the above

50.        Dioptre is the unit of power of

(a) Light                               (b) Sound

(c) Energy                            (d) Lenses

51.        Primary colours are

(a)    Red, Gree, Bule            

(b)   Colours of a rainbow

(c)    Colours which cannot be produced by mixing other colours

(d)   Red, Blue, Yellow

52.        CNG stands for

(a)    Compressed nitrogen gas

(b)   Compressed natural gas

(c)    Commission for natural gas

(d)   Computer network guideline

53.        Holography is technique of

(a)    Taking photos

(b)   Recording and reproduction of 3-D images.

(c)    Tracing stars                   (b) None of the above

54.        The Law of Natural Selection is associated with

(a) Dalton                             (b) Darwin

(c) Kepler                             (d) Mendel

55.        The audible range of a normal human ear is

(a) 10,000 to 20,000 Hz       (b) 50 to 50,000 Hz

(c) 20 to 20,000 Hz              (d) 15 to 15,000 Hz

56.        Echoes are produced by

(a)    Reflection of sound waves.

(b)   Dispersion of sound waves

(c)    Refraction of sound waves

(d)   None of the above

57.        We see the flash of lighting before hearing the thunder because

(a)    Light travels faster than sound

(b)   Sound travels faster than light

(c)    Lighting occurs before thunder

(d)   None of the above

58.        Bats can fly in the dark because

(a)    They can see

(b)   They produce ultra-sonic waves to guide them

(c)    They have special vision at night

(d)   None of the above

59.        At now temperatures approaching absolute zero, some substances lose their resistance, then they become

(a) Semi-conductors             (b) Super-conductors

(c) Insulators                        (d) None of the above

60.        In a dynamo

(a)    Mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy

(b)   Mechanical energy is converted to heat energy

(c)    Electric energy is converted to mechanical energy

(d)   None of the above

61.        The body of an electrical appliance is earthed in order that

(a)    Electricity may not leak

(b)   There may be smooth flow of electricity

(c)    Current may pass to the earth in case of short circuit without doing any harm to the person

(d)   None of the above

62.        Which of the following revolve around the nucleus of an atom?

(a) Protons                            (b) Neutrons

(c) Electrons                         (d) None of the above

63.        X-rays were discovered by

(a) W.D. Coolidge               (b) Wilhelm Rontegen

(c) Watson                            (b) None of the above

64.        Radio carbon dating is used determine

(a)    Age of archeological objects

(b)   Diseases in humans       

(c)    Purity of gold                 (d) None of the above

65.        Milky way is

(a) Space cloud                    (b) Galaxy

(c) Galaxy which includes the sun

(d) Constellation

66.        Halley's comet appears once in

(a) 40 years                           (b) 50 years

(c) 76 years                           (d) 86 years

67.        First person to travel in space

(a) Neil Armstrong               (b) Yuri Gagarin

(c) Lenov                              (d) None of the above

68.        One of the isotopes of iodine has a "half life" of 25 minutes. This information tells us that if we start with a given quantity of the isoptes, 50 minutes later there will remain  

(a)    One-fourth of the original amount

(b)   None

(c)    One-half of the original amount

(d)   Approximately the same amount

69.        Brass is an alloy of Copper and

(a) Tin                                   (b) Aluminium

(c) Zinc                                 (d) Chlorine

70.        The most abundant constituent in air is

(a) Hydrogen                        (d) Nitrogen

(c) Oxygen                           (d) Helium

71.        What is the function of ozone layer?

(a)    Prevents harmful infra-red rays of the sun from reaching the earth

(b)   Prevents radiation escaping the earth, hence keeping it warm

(c)    It is essential for rainfall

(d)   It filters harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun  

72.        Laughing gas is

(a) Nitrogen                          (b) Nitrous Oxide

(c) Nitric Oxide                    (d) None of the above

73.        Heavy water is used in

(a) Car batteries                    (b) Nuclear Reactors

(c) Nuclear Bombs               (d) Rockets

74.        Lead pencils contain

(a) Graphite                          (b) Lead

(c) Coke                               (d) None of the above

75.        If people sleep in closed rooms where charcoal fire is burning, they may die due to inhalation of

(a) Carbon monoxide           (b) Carbon dioxide

(c) Methane                          (d) Carbogen

76.        Diamonds are weighed in

(a) Grams                             (b) Pounds

(c) Carats                              (d) Tons

77.        'RDX' is expanded as

(a)    Research & Development Exlosive

(b)   Resin diopte explosive

(c)    Petn                                (d) Semtex

78.        Iron is coated with Zinc to prevent rusting. This process is called

(a) Annealing                       (b) Tempering

(c) Calcining                         (d) Galvanising

79.        An acid used in the preservation of food stuffs

(a) Tartaric acid                    (b) Citric acid

(c) Acetic acid                      (d) None of the above

80.        Deficiency of iron causes

(a) Nervous disorder            (b) Anaemia

(c) Leukaemia                      (d) Heart disease

81.        BHT & DDT are

(a) Rodenticides                   (b) Herbicides

(c) Pesticides                        (d) Fertilizers  

82.        Match the following

(I)                Vitamin A

(II)             Vitamin B

(III)          Vitamin C

(IV)          Vitamin D

(V)             Vitamin E

(VI)          Vitamin K

(A) Night blindness

(B)  Beri-beri

(C) Scurvy

(D) Rickets

(E)  Sterility

(F)   Blood clothing

(a)    I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D, V-E, VI-F

(b)   I-B, II-C, III-E, IV-D, V-F, VI-A

(c)    I-F, II-E, III-D, IV-C, V-B, VI-A

(d)   I-C, II-E, III-D, IV-A, V-B, VI-F 

83.        Malaria can be caused by the bite of the ……… mosquito

(a) Anopheles                       (b) Female anopheles

(c) Culex                              (d) None of the above

84.        Penicillin was discovered by

(a) Alexander Fleming         (b) Thompson

(c) Eduard Jenner                 (d) Christian Barnard

85.        Match the following

(I)                Quinine

(II)             Crocin

(III)          Avil

(IV)          Compose

(A) Sleep

(B)  Fever

(C) Anti-allergy

(D) Malaria

(a)    I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D

(b)   I-D, II-B, III-C, IV-A

(c)    I-A, II-D, III-B, IV-C

(d)   I-D, II-C, III-B, IV-A

86.        Triple Antigen treatment for children is to ward of

(a) Whooping cough                        (b) Tetanus

(c) Diphtheria                       (d) All the above

87.        Which is the vitamin found in lemons?

(a) Vitamin A                       (b) Vitamin C

(c) Vitamin F                        (d) None of the above

88.        Match the following

(I)                Anti pyritic

(II)             Anesthetic

(III)          Disinfectant

(IV)          Analgesic

(A) Chloroform

(B)  Fever reducing

(C) Dettol

(D) Pain killer

(a)    I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D

(b)   I-D, II-C, III-B, IV-A

(c)    I-B, II-A, III-C, IV-D

(d)   I-B, II-C, III-D, IV-A

89.        Exposure to sunlight helps a person improve his health because

(a)    The infra-red light kills bacteria in the body

(b)   Resistance power increases

(c)    The pigment cells in the skin get stimulated and produce a healthy tan

(d)   The ultraviolet convert skin oil into Vitamin D

90.        Match the following

(I)                Mendeleev

(II)             Madam Curie

(III)          Rutherford

(IV)          Gold Stein

(A) Discovery of Nucelus

(B)  Discovery of Proton

(C) Radioactivity

(D) Periodic Table

(a)    I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D

(b)   I-D, II-C, III-B, IV-A

(c)    I-D, II-C, III-A, IV-B

(d)   I-B, II-C, III-D, IV-A 

91.        ………. turn blue litmus red, while ……… turn red litmus blue

(a) Acid, Base                      (b) Base, Acid

(c) Base, Alkali                    (d) None of the above

92.        The largest planet in solar system

(a) Earth                               (b) Jupiter

(c) Venus                              (d) Mercury

93.        Dinosaur is a

(a) Fish                                 (b) Bird

(c) Reptile                            (d) Mammal

94.        A balanced diet is one in which the ingredients are

(a)    Weighed by a balance

(b)   In minimum requirements

(c)    In correct proportions

(d)   In maximum requirements

95.        The hereditary disease in which clotting of blood does not take place is known as

(a) Hemophilia                     (b) Anaemia

(c) Leukaemia                      (d) Xerophthalmia

96.        The universal donor blood group is ……. while universal recipient blood group is …….

(a) O, AB                             (b) AB, O

(c) A, B                                (d) B, A

97.        The scientist who discovered blood groups is

(a) T.H. Morgan                   (b) Darwin

(c) William Harvey               (d) None of the above

98.        In one minute, a human heart beats approximately

(a) 60 times                          (b) 62 times

(c) 72 times                          (d) 82 times

99.        Veins carry blood

(a)    Away from the heart      (b) Towards the heart

(c)    Towards the brain          (d) None of the above

100.    Blood Cancer is otherwise called

(a) Leucoderma                    (b) Leukaemina

(c) Erythrocemia                  (d) None of the above

101.    The urine becomes yellow due to bile pigments in the disease

(a) Malaria                            (b) Jaundice

(c) Tuberculosis                    (d) Liverrohea

102.    Hermaphrodite is an animal which is

(a) Male                                (b) Female

(c) Both male and female    

(d) Neither male nor female

103.    HIV is associated with

(a)    Cancer

(b)   Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

(c)    Down's Syndrome         (d) Jaundice   

104.    The father of genetics is

(a) Darwin                            (b) Mendel

(c) Spencer                           (c) Muller

105.    Anti-snake venom is prepared by

(a)    Pasteur Institute (France)

(b)   Birla Science Centre (Delhi)

(c)    Haffikine Institute (Mumbai)

(d)   Indian Science Institute (Bangolore)

106.    India conducted its first nucleur explosion in

(a) Thiruvanthapuram           (b) Shriharikota

(c) Pokharan                         (d) Kota         

107.    An aero plane rises in the air because

(a)    It pushes air down

(b)   It creates a partial vacuum above itself

(c)    Due to exhaust gases released at high speeds

(d)   Because its wings are constructed in such a way that pressure above them is less than the pressure below them

108.    One of the following is found in a plant cell, but not in an animal cell:

(a) Mitrochondia                  (c) Plasma Membrane

(c) Cell wall                          (d) Nucleus

109.    …… converts cooking oil into vegetable ghee

(a) Oxidations                      (b) Hydrogenation

(c) Reduction                       (d) Crystallization

110.    …… is fourth state of matter

(a) Solid                               (b) Liquid

(c) Gas                                  (d) Plasma

111.    Today optical fibres have revolutionized communication technology. They work on the principle of

(a) Reflection                       (b) Electron movement

(c) Total internal reflection (d) Prisms

112.    ……. Is an element which must be present in every organic compound

(a) Carbon                            (b) Oxygen

(c) Nitrogen                          (d) Hydrogen

113.    The proteins eaten by us are broken down by the body into

(a) Amino acids                    (b) Carbohydrate

(c) Fats                                 (d) Enzymes

114.    A remote control gadget emits ….. rays

(a) Ultra-violet                     (b) Infra-red

(c) Electronic                        (d) None of the above  

115.    Mosquitoes spread all the following diseases except one

(a) Malaria                            (b) Filariasis

(c) Encephalitis                    (d) Poliomyelitis

116.    Galvanometer is an instrument used

(a)    For measuring the resistance in an electric wire

(b)   For measuring the electric current

(c)    For measuring the velocity of sound

(d)   For measuring the velocity  

117.    Penicillin is a/an

(a) Vitamin                           (b) Carbohydrate

(c) Anti-biotic                      (d) Anti-pyretic

118.    The reaction which converts sugar solution into alcohol is an example of

(a) Saponifiction                  (b) Hydrogenation

(c) Fermentation                   (d) Hydrolysis

119.    Pissculture is concerned with

(a) Fish                                 (b) Silk

(c) Wine                               (d) Fruit

120.    The gas which caused the Bhopal disaster was

(a) CO                                  (b) CAN

(c) MIC                                (d) SO2

121.    Match the following:

(I)                Hydrometer

(II)             Hydrophone

(III)          Hydroscope

(IV)          Hygrometer

(A) An instrument for measuring sound under water

(B)  An instrument for measuring the relative density or liquids

(C) An instrument for measuring the relative humidity of the atmosphere

(D) An optical instrument used for selling objects below the surface of water

I           II         III        IV

(a)          B         A         D         C

(b)         A         B         C         D

(c)          D         C         B         A

(d)         A         D         B         C

122.    The best source of Vitamin C is

(a) Eggs                                (b) Orange

(c) Milk                                (d) Dry fruits

123.    Who among the following invented the Aero plane?

(a) Alexander Graham Bell  (b) Thomas Alva Edison

(c) Wright brothers               (d) Lewis waterman

124.    The best source of Vitamin A is

(a) Tomato                            (b) Orange

(c) Carrot                              (d) Lima bean

125.    Sex ratio means

(a)    Number of women per thousand men in a particular region

(b)   Number of men capable for marriage

(c)    Number of women capable of giving birth according to age group

(d)   None of these 

126.    Which one of the following mixture of gases is required in gas welding?

(a) Oxygen & hydrogen       (b) Oxygen & ethylene

(c) Acetylene & oxygen      

(d) Acetylene & Hydrogen

127.    The largest cell in the human body is

(a) Liver cell                         (b) Kidney cell

(c) Nerve cell                        (d) Muscle cell

128.    What is the correct sequence of the different layers of atmosphere as one proceeds upward from the earth's surface?

(a)    Toposphere, ionosphere, stratosphere, Exosphere

(b)   Topasphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, Exosphere

(c)    Stratosphere, exosphere, ionosphere, Topasphere

(d)   Ionosphere, stratosphere, exosphere, Topasphere 

129.    Solar eclipse occurs when

(a)    Sun comes between moon and earth

(b)   Earth comes between sun and moon

(c)    Moon is at right angle to the earth

(d)   Moon comes between sun and earth

130.    The weight of an object is greater at the poles than at the equator, because

(a)    The attraction of the moon is maximum at the earth's surface

(b)   The attraction of the sun is maximum at the earth's surface

(c)    Of the shape of the earth

(d)   Gravitational pull is more at the poles

131.    The first metal used by man was

(a) Iron                                 (b) Aluminium

(c) Copper                            (d) Gold

132.    The study of animal behavior is called

(a) Ethnology                       (b) Ethology

(c) Ethnography                   (d) Entomology

133.    Dialysis is used for a parliament suffering from

(a) Liver trouble                   (b) Lung Trouble

(c) Kidney trouble                (d) Bronchitis

134.    The study of earthquakes is called

(a) Selenology                      (b) Teleology

(c) Seismology                     (d) Rheology  

135.    In India people suffer from Anaemia because of the lack of …… in their diet

(a) Iodine                             (b) Calcium

(c) Potassium                        (d) Iron

136.    The term 'Test Tube Baby' implies

(a)    Fertilization of ovum takes place in the test-tube and it develops in the test-tube

(b)   Fertilization of ovum takes place in the test-tube and it develops in the test-tube itself

(c)    Fertilization of ovum takes place in the test-tube but it develops in the uterus

(d)   Fertilization of ovum takes place in the uterus and embryo develops in the uterus        

137.    The sun keeps replenishing its energy on account of

(a)    Attraction of moon and earth on the sun

(b)   Fission reactions taking place in the sun fusion reactions taking place in the sun

(c)    All the factors listed above

138.    The treatment of diseases by using water is called

(a) Hydrology                      (b) Hydrography

(c) Hydropathy                    (d) None of the above

139.    The amount of electric current following through a wire may be measured by a

(a) Voltmeter                        (b) Potentiometer

(c) Ammeter                         (d) Radiometer

140.    In the International system of measurement, the "Kelvin" is the unit of

(a) Mass                                (b) Temperature

(c) Electric current               (d) Air

141.    How does the day time sky appear from a planet which has no atmosphere?

(a) White                              (b) Grey

(c) Blue                                (d) Black

142.    The universal laws of gravitation are attributed to which of the following scientists?

(a) Copernicus                      (b) Newton

(c) Brahe                              (d) Kepler       

143.    Which of the following statements about haemoglobin is true?

I.                   It is rich is iron

II.                It is carrier of oxygen in blood

III.             It gives and colour to blood

IV.             It is a carrier of HIV virus

(a) I only                              (b) I & II only

(c) I, II, III only                   (d) All the above

144.    Ozone gets depleted in the stratosphere due to the presence of

(a) Active NO3                     (b) Active NO2

(c) Active CI                        (d) Active SO2

145.    The speed of sound is maximum in

(a) Vacuum                          (b) Wool

(c) Wood                              (d) Steel         

146.    The art of predicting human destinies with the help of the movement of stars is called

(a) Astronomy                      (b) Astrology

(c) Astronautics                    (d) Aeronomy

147.    The science of the nature of heavenly bodies is called

(a) Cosmolgy                        (b) Cosmogony

(c) Cosomography                (d) Conchology

148.    Rose is one of the most beautiful flower in the world. A rose looks red during the day time. Why?

(a)    Because the rose petals consist of a red pigment.

(b)   Because the rose absorbs all the colours present in light except the red colour.

(c)    Because the natural colour of rose is red.

(d)   None of the above

149.    What does the expression 'Hunger sings of crop' mean?

(a) Lack of water                 (b) Lake of care

(c) Poor quality of seeds

(d) Lack of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and potassium

150.    Which one of the following scientists was not associated with the wheat hybridization programme in India?

(a)    M.S. Swaminathan        

(b)   Panchanan Maheshwari

(c)    Choudhary Ram Dhan Sigh

(d)   Norman E. Borlaug

151.    The Richter Scale is used to measure

(a) Earthquakes                    (b) Ocean depth

(c) Intensity of wind                       

(d) Temperature of the body

152.    Deficiency of vitamin C causes

(a) Pellagara                         (b) Scurvy

(c) Rickets                            (d) None of the above

153.    MRI (Magnetic resonance Imaging) scan is done on

(a) Human body                   (b) Aero plane Wheels

(c) Machinery                       (d) None of the above

154.    The differences in the physical properties of metals and non-metals are due to

(a)    Different structures of their atoms

(b)   Different number of their atoms

(c)    The fact that metals have atoms whereas non-metals have none

(d)   None of these

155.    For the manufacture of cement, which of the following is used in the largest quantity?

(a) Alumina                          (b) Calcium oxide

(c) Gypsum                          (d) Silica

156.    Some sources of energy are continuously produced in nature and are essentially inexhaustible. Which of the following is such a source?

(a) Coal and lignite              (b) Geothermal power

(c) Natural gas and crude oil

(d) Uranium

157.    Which among the following indicates the calories required by a normal and generally healthy man per 24 hours?

(a) 1800                                (b) 1600

(c) 4500                                (d) 2400

158.    The Rh factor refers to

(a)    A protein substance found in the blood of some people

(b)   A hormone carried by the blood

(c)    The ratio of red corpuscles to white corpuscles in the blood

(d)   A process that speeds up the clothing of blood

159.    SMS is

(a)    Short messaging sequence

(b)   Short messaging services

(c)    Short manageable service

(d)   Short and medium services  

160.    Through which one of the following groups of countries does the Equator pass?

(a)    Brazil, Zambia and Malaysia

(b)   Colombia, Malaysia and Ethiopia

(c)    Colombia, Kenya and Indonesia

(d)   Indonesia, Ethiopia and Malaysia

161.    Cancer is a disease which

(a)    Cannot be spread by those who have it

(b)   Is found only in human beings

(c)    Develops only in certain organs of the body

(d)   Is passed from generation to generation

162.    Why is water used as coolant in car radiators?

(a)    Because is temperature is less

(b)   Because of its high specific heat capacity

(c)    Because of its low specific heat capacity

(d)   Because of its high specific latent heat

163.    An element found in all organic compounds is

(a) Oxygen                           (b) Calcium

(c) Nitrogen                          (d) Carbon

164.    'Antipyretics' are the drugs used against

(a) Pain                                 (b) Fever

(c) Infection                                     (d) Nausea

165.    Pencil lead is made of

(a) Graphite                          (b) Granite

(c) Carbon                            (d) None of the above

166.    At what temperature milk gets pasteurized?

(a) 580C                                (b) 600C

(c) 620C                                (d) 680C

167.    Diamond is allotropic form of

(a) Magnesium                     (b) Gold

(c) Silicon                             (d) Carbon

168.    Maximum absorption of food takes place in

(a) Stomach                          (b) Small intestine

(c) Large intestine                (d) Oesophage

169.    A rocket and jet engine differ because

(a)    Their working principles are different

(b)   A rocket uses only liquid fuels

(c)    While a rocket carries its own oxygen supply, a jet draws its air out of the atmosphere

(d)   None of the above

170.    The hardest material in the human body is

(a) Bone                               (b) Enamel

(c) Dentin                             (d) None of the above

171.    The scientist who discovered Penicillin is

(a) Bone                               (b) Enamel

(c) Dentin                             (d) None of the above

172.    Bauxite is used in

(a) Aluminium industry        (b) Steel industry

(c) Vegetable industry         (d) None of the above

173.    The deficiency of vitamin A causes

(a) Falling of hair                 (b) Dysentery

(c) Night blindness               (d) Weakness

174.    Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks causes damage to the

(a) Liver                               (b) Kidneys

(c) Heart                               (d) Lungs

175.    Hygrometer is used to measure

(a) Specific gravity               (b) Density of milk

(c) Higher temperature         (d) Relative humidity

176.    If a piece of ice in a cup of water melts, the level of water

(a) Increases                         (b) Decreases

(c) Remains unchanged       

(d) Increase or decreases depending on altitude

177.    Schizophrenia is a type of

(a) Illness                              (b) Disorder

(c) Mental illness                  (d) Somatic Illness

178.    The earth receives heat from by the process of

(a) Radiation                        (b) Convection

(c) conduction                      (d) None of the above

179.    Who was the first Indian Scientist who established that it is the earth which rotates round the Sun?

(a) Varahmihira                    (b) Brihaspati

(c) Rohini                             (d) Aryabhatta

180.    The metal is most abundant in the earth is

(a) Sillicon                            (b) Iron

(c) Aluminium                      (d) Nichel

181.    Springs of shock absorbers of automobiles and railway coaches are made of steel and not of rubber, because steel is

(a)    More durable than rubber

(b)   Less expensive than rubber in the long run

(c)    Less elastic than rubber

(d)   More elastic than rubber

182.    Who has the first to discover the element Oxygen?

(a) Rutherford                      (b) Cavendish

(c) Priestley                          (d) Scheele

183.    An nuclear reactor is said to have become 'critical' when

(a)    It comes of age

(b)   It starts emitting radioactive radiation

(c)    It is shut down

(d)   It is ready to produce controlled energy

184.    Which planet in our solar system is nearly as big as the earth?

(a) Mercury                          (b) Mars

(c) Venus                              (d) Pluto

185.    The organ that filters blood in man is the

(a) Heart                               (b) Thymus

(c) Spleen                             (d) Liver

186.    'Athletes foot' is

(a)    A specific footwear for athletes to prevent them from spraining their feet

(b)   An allergic skin rash

(c)    A common fungus infection that attacks the skin between the toes

(d)   An eczema

187.    Paleontology is the study of

(a) Fossils                             (b) Rocks

(c) Soil                                  (d) Trees

188.    A molecule is

(a)    A class of organic compounds

(b)   The smallest unit of a substance that retains the properties of the substance

(c)    The spectrum of a substance

(d)   A small mass

189.    What should be given to an athlete for instant energy?

(a) Protein                            (b) Vitamin     

(c) Carbohydrate                  (d) Fat

190.    Viscera test is done to determine

(a) Death by shock               (b) Death by poisoning

(c) Death by sound              (d) None of the above

191.    Some drugs the administered in the form of capsules. The capsule is made of

(a) Paper                               (b) Polythene

(c) Eggshell                          (d) Starch

192.    A motorcycle passing by disturbs radio and TV reception. The disturbance is caused because

(a)    Intense sound waves shake the delicate electronic components of the receiver

(b)   Metallic parts of the vehicle deflect the radio waves

(c)    The sparking in the spark-plug of the vehicle generates electromagnetic radiation

(d)   Modern motorcycle contains an electronic ignition system which emits radio waves

193.    Where does exchange of gases like Oxygen and Carbon di-oxide take place in our lungs?

(a) Alveoli                            (b) Bronchi

(c) Pleura                              (d) Trachea

194.    Significantly higher level of urea in the blood is the indication of

(a) Liver damage                  (b) Kidney damage

(c) Heart attack                    (d) Spleen damage

195.    Raman Effect is related to

(a) Polarization of light        (b) Internal reflection

(c) Photon movement           (d) None of the above

196.    The Atmospheric layer which reflects radio waves is called

(a) Troposphere                    (b) Stratosphere

(c) Ionosphere                      (d) Exosphere

197.    Match the following grounds

A.    Pituitary Gland           

B.     Thyroid Gland

C.    Islets of Langerhans

D.    Adrenaline glands

1.      Insulin

2.      Growth

3.      Epinephrine

4.      Calcitocin

      A            B          C          D

(a)    1             2          3          4

(b)   2             1          4          3

(c)    2             4          1          3

(d)   2             3          1          4

198.    Dyne is a unit of

(a) Force                               (b) Work

(c) Energy                            (d) Momentum

199.    Soap makes the water easier to wash clothes with because it

(a)    Removes its hardness     (b) Increase its density

(c)    Decreases its surface tension

(d)   None of these above

200.    Newton's law of gravitation is

(a)    Universal

(b)   Only applicable to light bodies

(c)    For heavenly bodies       (d) For atoms

201.    The process of zinc coating on iron is known as

(a) Electroplating                 (b) Galvanization

(c) Vulcanization                  (d) Synthetic Coating            

202.    Kilowatt is a unit of

(a) Work                               (b) Energy

(c) Power                              (d) Current

203.    Match the following

A.    Electron

B.     Proton

C.    Neutron

D.    Nucleus

1.      Rutherford

2.      J.J. Thomson

3.      Goldstein

4.      Chadwick

      A            B          C          D

(a)    2             3          4          1

(b)   4             3          2          1

(c)    2             4          1          3

(d)   2             1          4          3         

204.    The technique of recording and reproducing three dimensional images of objects is known as

(a) Radar                              (b) Laser

(c) Holography                     (d) Photography

205.    Vulcanization is the process used

(a)    For liquefying rubber    

(b)   To make rubber retain a particular shape

(c)    To change rubber into black rubber

(d)   To prevent rubber from burning

206.    An instrument package is released from an orbiting earth satellite by simply detaching it from the outer wall of the satellite. The package will

(a)    Fall to the earth

(b)   Go away from the earth and get lost in outer space

(c)    Continue moving along with the satellite in the same orbit and with the same speed

(d)   Fall through a certain distance and then move in a new orbit around the earth 

207.    'IC chips' for computers are usually made of

(a) Silicon                             (b) Lead

(c) Gold                                (d) Chromium

208.    Television signals cannot be received beyond a particular distance due to

(a) Weak antennae               (b) Weakness of signals

(c) Curvature of the earth

(d) Absorption of signals in the air

209.    Match the following:

(A) Kalpakkam

(B)  Salem

(C) Pokharan

(D) Thumba

1.      Rocket Launching Centre

2.      Atom bomb blast site

3.      Atomic Power Project

4.      Steel Plant

      A             B         C          D

(a)    3             4          2          1

(b)   4             3          2          1

(c)    1             2          3          4

(d)   2             1          4          3

210.    The technique Holography relates to

(a)    Photograph                     (b) 3-D images

(c)    Stars                               (d) None of the above

211.    The first surgical transplant of the human heart was performed by

(a) Gerhard Hansen              (b) Juseph Listen

(c) Willium Vries                  (d) Christian Barnard

212.    Conservation of energy implies that

(a)    Energy can be created not destroyed

(b)   Energy can be destroyed but not created

(c)    Energy can be created as well as destroyed

(d)   Energy can be neither created nor destroyed  

213.    The reason why we do not feel the enormous atmospheric pressure on our body is because   

(a)    We have adapted ourselves to the pressure

(b)   The surface area of our body is very small

(c)    Our bones are strong enough to withstand the pressure

(d)   Our blood exerts a pressure slightly more than that of the atmosphere therby counteracting the same

214.    Why do raindrops gain the shape of a sphere?

(a)    Due to friction  

(b)   Due to surface tension

(c)    Due to atmospheric pressure

(d)   Due to viscosity of water

215.    Organisms living inside a frozen lake survive because

(a)    These organisms are cold blooded

(b)   Water near the bottom does not freeze

(c)    These organisms hibernate in ice

(d)   None of the above

216.    What are the components of the nucleus in an atom?

(a)    Protons and neutrons

(b)   Protons and electrons

(c)    Only protons                  (d) Only neutrons

217.    Deficiency of Vitamin A causes

(a) Scurvy                             (b) Beri-beri

(c) Night blindness               (d) Pellagra

218.    Which of the following is a conventional source of energy?

(a) Geothermal energy         (b) Biogas

(c) Solar energy                    (d) Hydroelectricity

219.    Saliva helps in the digestion of

(a) Fats                                 (b) Proteins

(c) Fibers                              (d) Starch

220.    What does the 'Green house effect' refer to?

(a)    Introducing greenery

(b)   Heating of earth by increase in amount of carbon dioxide present

(c)    Rearing plants in a glasshouse

(d)   None of these

221.    What role does chlorophyll perform in the process of photosynthesis?

(a)    It absorbs light and decomposes water photo chemically

(b)   It accepts electrons from oxygen

(c)    It accepts electrons from CO2

(d)   It absorbs light only

222.    What kind of water is used in a nuclear reactor?

(a) Hard water                      (b) Soft water

(c) Heavy water                   (d) Light water

223.    Match the following

(I)                Weismann

(II)             Darwin

(III)          Mendal

(IV)          Hugo-de-varis

(A) Theory of Mutation

(B)  Principle of Independent Assortment

(C) Theory of Evolution

(D) Continuity of Germplasm

(a)    I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D

(b)   I-C, II-D, III-B, IV-A

(c)    I-D, II-C, III-A, IV-B

(d)   I-D, II-C, III-B, IV-A

224.    Which of the following are the discoveries of Einstein?

(1)   Photo-electric effect

(2)   Radio activity

(3)   Television

(4)   Theory of Relativity

(5)   Rocket propulsion

(a) 1, 4                                  (b) 1, 4, 5

(c) 1, 3, 5                              (d) All of them

225.    What is the normal temperature of the human body?

(a) 36.800C                           (b) 98.600C

(c) 49.800C                           (d) 94.800C

226.    Who invented the television?

(a)    Issac Newton

(b)   Thomas Alwa Edison

(c)    J.L. Baird                                  

(d)   Alexander Graham Bell     

227.    An air bubble in water will act as

(a) Convex                           (b) Convex Lens

(c) Concave                          (d) Concave Lens

228.    Grass looks green because

(a)    It absorbs all colours of the spectrum except green

(b)   It absorbs only green from the spectrum

(c)    The eye absorbs only green from the grass

(d)   It is a good radiator

229.    One pound is equal to approximately

(a) 810 grams                       (b) 453 grams

(c) 1000 grams                     (d) 0.01 grams

230.    What part of the iceberg remains above sea level?

(a) 1/6th                                 (b) 3/10th

(c) 3/7th                                 (d) 1/9th

231.    Fathom is the unit of measuring

(a) Distance in space            (b) Distance on earth

(c) Depth of water               (d) None of these

232.    Deficiency of iodine causes

(a) Gigantism                       (b) Goitre

(c) Cretinism                        (d) Diabetes

233.    Iron which is 'necessary for the body' has a rich source in

(a) Mutton                            (b) Curd

(c) Green leafy vegetables   (d) Potato       

234.    Which of the following food articles contains only one of the five constituents of diet, viz., fats, carbohydrates, proteins, mineral salts and vitamins?

(a) Bread                              (b) Mango

(c) Milk                                (d) Sugar

235.    The operation to sterilize males is called

(a) Spermectomy                  (b) Gametectomy

(c) Vasectomy                      (d) Hysterotomy

236.    While cooking food, the compounds lost to the maximum are

(a) Vitamins                                     (b) Carbohydrates

(c) Proteins                           (d) Fats

237.    Gasoline is popularly known as

(a) Petrol Gas                       (b) Neptha

(c) Asphalt                           (d) Petrol

238.    The harmful and poisonous constituent of tobacco is

(a) Caffine                            (b) Styrene

(c) Morphine                        (d) Nicotine

239.    The main active constituent of tea and coffee is

(a) Resperine                        (b) Caffeine

(c) Asphin                            (d) Morphine

240.    The boiling point of water

(a)    depends on atmospheric pressure

(b)   is always 1000C

(c)    Depend on the material of the container

(d)   Depends on relative humidity 

241.    Excessive consumption of alcoholic drink causes damage to the

(a) Kidney                            (b) Lungs

(c) Heart                               (d) Liver

242.    Inside an aero plane, flying at a high altitude

(a)    Partial vacuum and normal humidity are maintained

(b)   The pressure inside is less than the pressure outside

(c)    The pressure is the similar as that outside

(d)   Normal atmospheric pressure is maintained by the use of air pumps

243.    Woolens keep us warm is winter because they

(a)    Do not allow our body heat to escape

(b)   Do not allow cool air to enter

(c)    Are good absorber of heat

(d)   Produce more warmth

244.    In summer season light coloured clothes are preferred because

(a)    Light colours are poor absorbers of heat

(b)   They allow body heat to escape faster

(c)    Light colours are good radiators of heat

(d)   They soak sweat faster

245.    When a person enters a dark room from sun light, he is not able to see clearly for a little moment because

(a)    Iris is unable to dilate the pupil immediately

(b)   Distance between the lens and retina takes time to adjust

(c)    Retina becomes insensitive momentarily

(d)   Eye is unable to adjust itself immediately

246.    A person with which of the following blood groups is considered as a universal donor?

(a) O                                     (b) AB

(c) A                                     (d) B

247.    Rise and fall of the sea water at the surface in interval is called

(a) Tide                                 (b) Wave        

(c) Fiction                             (d) Imbalance

248.    The worms which infect human intestine are

(a) Earthworms                    (b) Tapeworms

(c) Anopheles                       (d) None of the above

249.    The largest and deepest ocean of the world covers

(a)    3/4 of the total area of the earth

(b)   2/3 of the total area of the earth

(c)    1/3 of the total area of the earth

(d)   6/7 of the total area of the earth 

250.    Which is the Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM)?

(a) Agni                                (b) Prithvi

(c) Nag                                 (d) None of the above

251.    The term 'radioactivity' was first used by

(a) Henri Becquerel              (b) Marie Curie

(c) Rutherford                      (d) De broglie

252.    'Electron' (e) was discovered by

(a) Goldstein                                    (b) J.J. Thomson

(c) Yukawa                          (d) Anderson

253.    'Neutron' (n) was discovered by

(a) J.J. Thompson                 (b) Chadwick

(c) Goldstein                                    (d) Yukawa

254.    'Nitric acid' is formed by

(a) Haber process                 (b) Ostwald process

(c) Contact process             

(d) Lead Chamber process

255.    Which of the following is the purest form of natural water?

(a) River Water                    (b) Filtered Water

(c) Rain Water                      (d) Mineral Water

256.    Which of the following is known as 'tear gas'?

(a)    LSD      

(b)   Chloroacetophenone

(c)    Dichlorodiethyl sulphide          

(d)   TNT

257.    Which one of the following is not true regarding the 'use of electrolysis':

(a)    Used in electroplating   

(b)   Used in the manufacturing of sodium

(c)    Used in the manufacturing of silver

(d)   Used in the refining of cooper

258.    A device by which heat is converted into mechanical work is called

(a) Convertor                        (b) Transformer

(c) Heat engine                     (d) None of the above

259.    'Ptylin' enzyme is present in

(a) Stomach                          (b) Pancreas

(c) Liver                               (d) Mouth

260.    'Hemoglobin' is

(a) Mineral                            (b) Plasma

(c) Protein                            (d) Organic substance

261.    The life of RBC is --------- normally.

(a) 80 days                           (b) 100 days

(c) 120 days                                     (d) 150 days

262.    Which of the following is true about WBC and RBC?

(a)    WBC are much less numerous than RBC in blood

(b)   RBC are much less numerous than WBC in blood

(c)    Both are equally numerous in blood

(d)   None of the above

263.    When the moon is near the horizon, then it appears bigger because of

(a)    Total internal reflection

(b)   Scattering of light          (c) Diffraction

(d)   Atmospheric refraction

264.    The transformer works on which of the following principles?

(a)    Electro-magnetic attraction

(b)   Electro-magnetic repulsion

(c)    Electro-magnetic induction

(d)   Electro-magnetic conduction 

265.    Superconductivity is a phenomenon in which the resistance of a substance

(a)    Increases with temperature

(b)   Decreases with temperature

(c)    Does not change with temperature

(d)   Becomes zero at very low temperatures 

266.    Of the blood groups A, B, AB and O, which one is transfused into a person whose blood group is A?

(a) Group A only                  (b) Group B only

(c) Group A and O               (d) Group AB only

267.    Which pair is incorrect?

(a) Tannic acid:        Leather

(b) Amino acid:        Protein

(c) Lactic acid:         Milk    

(d) Acetic acid:        Vinegar

268.    Potato is a modified form of

(a) Root                                (b) Stem

(c) Fruit                                (d) Leaf

269.    How many bones are there in an adult human being?

(a) 210                                  (b) 250

(c) 206                                  (d) 300

270.    The human cell contains

(a) 44 chromosomes (b) 48 chromosomes

(c) 46 chromosomes             (d) 23 chromosomes

271.    DOTS (Directly Course Observed Treatment ) is related with the treatment of

(a) Tuberculosis                    (b) Small Pox

(c) AIDS                              (d) Night Blindness

272.    National Science Day is observed on

(a) 5th June                            (b) 28th February

(c) 7th April                           (d) 11th July

273.    Indian Science Academy is in

(a)    Bangalore                       (b) Cochin

(c)    Chennai                          (d) Bhopal

274.    The forth state of matter is

(a) Wood                              (b) Glass

(c) Plasma                             (d) Mantte      

275.    Which Vitamin has the cobalt?

(a) Total Internal Reflection            (b) Wavelength

(c) Greater resolution           (d) Electrolysis

276.    Fibre optics is based on the principle of

(a)    Total Internal Reflection           

(b)   Wavelength       

(c)    Greater resolution          (d) Electrolysis

277.    The substance used for artificial rain

(a) CO2                                 (b) H2O

(c) Silver lodide                   (d) NaCI        

278.    The gas used in the manufacture of vanaspati from vegetable oil

(a) H2                                    (b) CO2

(c) O3                                    (d) CoCa3

279.    Haematology is the study of disease of

(a) Kidney                            (b) Blood

(c) Hair                                 (d) Teeth

280.    What does the air bag, used for safety of the car driver, contain?

(a) Sodium Oxide                (b) Sulphur

(c) H2O                                 (d) None of the above

281.    Pearl is mainly constituted of

(a) Carbon                            (b) Graphite

(c) Calcium Carbonate         (d) Acid

282.    Which scientist is credited with the discovery of anti-polio vaccine?

(a) Jonas E Salk                    (b) Manual Count

(c) Austin                             (d) J.C. Baired

283.    Soft drinks such as colas contain significant quantities of

(a) Lead                                (b) Caffeine

(c) Nickel                             (d) Zinc

284.    Which organ produces urea in the human body?

(a) Liver                               (b) Kidneys

(c) Lungs                              (d) None of the above

285.    Nylon is

(a) Polyester                         (b) Polyethylene

(c) Polyamide                       (d) Polysaccharide

286.    One carat diamond is

(a) 100 mg                            (b) 200 mg

(c) 300 mg                            (d) 400 mg

287.    Which of the following is called as Royal disease?

(a) Anaemia                          (b) Leukemia

(c) Haemophilia                    (d) Colour blindness

288.    The study of butterflies is called

(a) Ecuethology                    (b) Neontology

(c) Lapideteriology              (d) Polinology

289.    Which of the following are called the suicide bags of the cell?

(a) Iysosomes                       (b) Ribosomes

(c) Nucleosomes                   (d) Golgi bodies

290.    The age of the trees is estimated by

(a) Their weights                  (b) Their heights

(c) Their elongation of roots

(d) Counting the number of annual rings 

291.    The longest living tree is

(a) Eucalyptus                      (b) Tal

(c) Teak                                (d) None of the above

292.    The milk is transformed in the form of curd due to

(a) Mycobacterium               (b) Staphylococcus

(c) Lactobacillus                   (d) Yeast 

293.    When ants bite, then the inter-secretion of which of the following occurs?

(a) Glacial acid                     (b) Stearic acid

(c) Formic acid                     (d) Lactic acid

294.    The maximum speed of sound would be in

(a) Air                                   (b) Water

(c) Vacuum                          (d) Steel

295.    If the length of a simple pendulum be increased 4% then the time period would be

(a) Increased 3%                  (b) Increased 2%

(c) Increased 4%                  (d) None of the above

296.    Which harmone is responsible for ejection of milk?

(a) Oxytocine                       (b) Prolctin

(c) Thyroxine                        (d) Testosterone

297.    Form which of the following is biodiesel obtained?

(a) Ethyl alcohol                   (b) Cellulose

(c) Bagarse                           (d) Jatropha      

298.    During dehydration the substance that is usually  lost by the body is

(a) Sugar                               (b) Calcium phosphate

(c) Sodium chloride                         (d) Potassium chloride

299.    What is the colour of Black box, that is found in aircraft?

(a) Orange                            (b) Red

(c) Blue                                (d) Black

300.    The recent Indian research station set-up in the Antarctica is called

(a)    Bharati                           (b) Maitri

(c)    Dakshin Gangotri           (d) None of the above

301.    Raman effect involves

(a) Poison                             (b) Sun energy

(c) Scattering of light           (d) Water

302.    Photosynthesis is maximum in

(a) Green light                      (b) Blue light

(c) Red light                         (d) Yellow light

303.    The strongest force of nature is

(a) Nuclear force                  (b) Gravitational force

(c) Electrostatic force           (d) Sun

304.    Acoustics is the study of

(a) Wave                               (b) Sound

(c) Force                               (d) Energy

305.    A NASA spacecraft called 'Messenger' discovered evidence for the existence of water ice on

(a) Mercury's poles              (b) Jupiter

(c) Saturn                             (d) Venus



Answer sheet.

1 (a)

2 (b)

3 (a)

4 (a)

5 (a)

6 (a)

7 (a)

8 (d)

9 (d)

10 (a)

11 (a)

12 (b)

13 (c)

14 (a)

15 (b)

16 (c)

17 (a)

18 (a)

19 (a)

20 (c)

21 (c)

22 (a)

23 (a)

24 (d)

25 (a)

26 (b)

27 (b)

28 (c)

29 (b)

30 (a)

31 (b)

32 (d)

33 (b)

34 (c)

35 (c)

36 (c)

37 (d)

38 (d)

39 (a)

40 (d)

41 (c)

42 (c)

43 (b)

44 (b)

45 (a)

46 (d)

47 (c)

48 (b)

49 (b)

50 (d)

51 (a)

52 (b)

53 (b)

54 (b)

55 (c)

56 (a)

57 (a)

58 (b)

59 (b)

60 (a)

61 (c)

62 (c)

63 (b)

64 (a)

65 (c)

66 (c)

67 (b)

68 (a)

69 (c)

70 (b)

71 (d)

72 (b)

73 (b)

74 (a)

75 (a)

76 (c)

77 (b)

78 (d)

79 (c)

80 (b)

81 (c)

82 (a)

83 (b)

84 (a)

85 (b)

86 (d)

87 (b)

88 (c)

89 (d)

90 (b)

91 (a)

92 (b)

93 (c)

94 (c)

95 (a)

96 (a)

97 (c)

98 (c)

99 (b)

100 (b)

101 (b)

102 (c)

103 (b)

104 (b)

105 (c)

106 (c)

107 (d)

108 (c)

109 (b)

110 (d)

111 (c)

112 (a)

113 (a)

114 (b)

115 (d)

116 (b)

117 (c)

118 (c)

119 (a)

120 (c)

121 (a)

122 (b)

123 (c)

124 (c)

125 (a)

126 (c)

127 (c)

128 (b)

129 (d)

130 (d)

131 (c)

132 (b)

133 (c)

134 (c)

135 (d)

136 (c)

137 (c)

138 (c)

139 (c)

140 (b)

141 (d)

142 (b)

143 (c)

144 (b)

145 (d)

146 (b)

147 (b)

148 (b)

149 (d)

150 (c)

151 (a)

152 (b)

153 (a)

154 (a)

155 (b)

156 (b)

157 (d)

158 (a)

159 (b)

160 (c)

161 (a)

162 (b)

163 (d)

164 (b)

165 (a)

166 (c)

167 (d)

168 (b)

169 (c)

170 (b)

171 (c)

172 (a)

173 (c)

174 (a)

175 (d)

176 (c)

177 (c)

178 (a)

179 (d)

180 (a)

181 (d)

182 (c)

183 (d)

184 (c)

185 (c)

186 (c)

187 (a)

188 (b)

189 (c)

190 (b)

191 (d)

192 (c)

193 (a)

194 (b)

195 (c)

196 (c)

197 (c)

198 (a)

199 (a)

200 (a)

201 (b)

202 (c)

203 (d)

204 (c)

205 (b)

206 (c)

207 (a)

208 (c)

209 (a)

210 (b)

211 (d)

212 (d)

213 (d)

214 (b)

215 (b)

216 (a)

217 (c)

218 (d)

219 (d)

220 (b)

221 (a)

222 (c)

223 (d)

224 (a)

225 (a)

226 (c)

227 (d)

228 (a)

229 (b)

230 (d)

231 (c)

232 (b)

233 (c)

234 (d)

235 (c)

236 (a)

237 (d)

238 (d)

239 (b)

240 (a)

241 (d)

242 (d)

243 (a)

244 (a)

245 (a)

246 (a)

247 (a)

248 (b)

249 (c)

250 (a)

251 (b)

252 (b)

253 (b)

254 (b)

255 (c)

256 (b)

257 (c)

258 (c)

259 (d)

260 (c)

261 (c)

262 (a)

263 (d)

264 (c)

265 (d)

266 (c)

267 (a)

268 (b)

269 (c)

270 (c)

271 (a)

272 (b)

273 (a)

274 (c)

275 (b)

276 (a)

277 (c)

278 (a)

279 (b)

280 (a)

281 (c)

282 (a)

283 (b)

284 (a)

285 (c)

286 (b)

287 (c)

288 (c)

289 (a)

290 (d)

291 (b)

292 (c)

293 (c)

294 (d)

295 (b)

296 (a)

297 (d)

298 (c)

299 (a)

300 (a)

301 (b)

302 (c)

303 (d)

304 (b)

305 (a)

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